Youtube Archives - Online Business Thu, 02 Nov 2023 09:37:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Youtube Archives - 32 32 27 Best YouTube Niches in 2023 with High CPM (+Channel Examples) Thu, 24 Aug 2023 08:09:21 +0000 Today, you’ll the best YouTube niches in 2023. We’ll go over some YouTube channel examples, how much approximately they get paid per 1000 views, and how much they make per month approximately with just ad revenue alone. If you’re interested in starting a YouTube channel, now is the time.    And to help you get started […]

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Today, you’ll the best YouTube niches in 2023. We’ll go over some YouTube channel examples, how much approximately they get paid per 1000 views, and how much they make per month approximately with just ad revenue alone.

If you’re interested in starting a YouTube channel, now is the time.   

And to help you get started we have done a lot of research and compiled this list of the best online YouTube channel niches.

These are evergreen niches that will pay you for years to come.

So let’s get into it.

1. Make Money Online

Make money online is one of the most profitable YouTube niches out there. The CPM is very high and the reason advertisers pay so much is there are so many different areas to make money online.

An example channel is Make Money Matt which is the creator of Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0 – one of the best YouTube automation courses.

He makes videos about a lot of topics, of course, on how to make money online.

Make money online is a niche where I have a faceless YouTube channel and you can see that my CPM is very high for the last 28 days.

make money online niche cpm channel

And there are some topics like affiliate marketing that will pay you even more than that.

For example, this video on one of my channels has a super high CPM at over $114.

make money online niche cpm video

The lower CPM channels will make around two to $3 per thousand views and a channel like mine can make over $60 per thousand views.

So you can see, this is a very big difference in the amount of money that can be made.

So even though you see channels that are getting a lot of views, if the CPM on their channel is at the lower end, like $3 per thousand views, you can see that it would take a lot of views to get a good amount of money.

That’s why smaller channels can make a lot of money with a smaller amount of views because they are in a higher CPM niche.

Another great thing about the make money online niche is that you can monetize easily with affiliate products that would be of interest to someone looking to make money online.

I made a lot of money this way on my channel long before I was paid through Google AdSense.

I’ve made so many commissions on autopilot just from having affiliate links in the description of my videos.

And don’t think this type of niche is too competitive or saturated because there will always be people looking to make money online and advertisers willing to pay good money to place ads on your videos because YouTube ads are very targeted.

Recommended Resources:

▶ Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0

▶ Bye 9 to 5 YouTube Monetization and Automation Program (Free Training)

2. Health & Fitness

Health and Fitness belong to one of the most popular YouTube niches.

There are many different ways to approach creating a health-themed YouTube channel, from talking about your own personal fitness journey to providing tips and advice on healthy eating or even just sharing inspirational stories about people who have overcome serious health challenges.

And I will say the more specific you can get in the selection of your channel, the better.

For example, if you have a channel about building muscle rather than random general topics, that’s better because the more niche-specific you are, the easier it is for Google to place ads on your videos and the more money you’re likely to make.

Here’s an example of a channel in this niche, Body Hub.

body hub youtube channel

The reason health and wellness is a great YouTube niche is that advertisers know people want to improve their health.

By placing ads in these types of videos, they get a great return on their investment.

Let’s say you are in a network marketing company that sells products for health and wellness. This would be the perfect type of channel to start.

And besides getting paid really good money from Google AdSense, you can also put an affiliate link to your products in the description of your videos.

And if you take a look at their videos, you can see these videos are not difficult to make, but they get a lot of views.

You can easily create these types of videos with tools like or other AI video generators out there.

This would also be very easy to monetize by placing affiliate links from ClickBank, Digistore24, or Amazon in the description of their videos, and that can make a lot more money than just with ads.

But with over 1.5 million views a month on their channel, depending on their CPM, they would be making $5,000 to $10,000 or more a month.

3. Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is definitely a trending topic to create a YouTube channel around, and I think it will be a high CPM for a long time. It’s definitely something a lot of people are interested in and advertisers will pay a lot to place ads on these videos.

An example channel is Crypto Gains.

crypto gains youtube channel

And you can see, besides making money through the Google AdSense program, they’re monetizing in several ways.

One of which is merchandise, using print on demand through Red bubble, which is free to set up.

There are definitely a lot of possibilities with this niche to monetize.

For example, if you’re part of an affiliate program in cryptocurrency, you can place your link in the description of your videos and make money that way as well.

Cryptocurrency is of the most trending topics on YouTube in 2022 so if you’re interested in this niche, this is a great channel to take a look at.

4. Finance

The finance niche is one of the most profitable YouTube niches because advertisers pay a lot of money to place ads on your videos.

An example in the finance niche is Economics Explained which is another faceless YouTube channel.

economics explained youtube channel

They’re also monetizing with affiliate links in the description of their videos, which you can as well.

And if you don’t know any programs in the finance niche, you can simply go to Google and type in finance affiliate programs and find affiliate programs you can join and earn money from those programs, as well as Google AdSense.

And many finance companies offer high-paid affiliate programs for leads, new customers, and sales.

So if you have an interest in finance or a background in finance, this would be a great choice of channel ideas for you.

Recommended Reading:

▶ How to Start a Faceless YouTube Channel in 2023

5. Travel

The next popular YouTube niche is travel. If you’re passionate about traveling, starting a travel channel can be a great way to share your love of exploring new places with the world.

There are plenty of travelers out there who are looking for inspiration and advice on where to go next, and by sharing your own experiences, you can help others plan their dream vacations.

There are a few things to keep in mind when starting a travel channel. First, make sure that you have quality footage and photos to share. Viewers want to see beautiful landscapes and interesting cultural experiences, so make sure that your videos are well-shot and edited.

Additionally, be sure to create interesting and engaging content that will keep people coming back for more. Share your tips for navigating foreign airports, finding the best deals on airfare, or discovering off-the-beaten-path destinations.

An example channel is the World According to Briggs, and on this channel, he talks about facts about different places, mainly in the United States, like the top 10 most hated states in the US or the top 10 cheapest states for renters.

world according to briggs

And this channel has over 750,000 subscribers and their most popular video has over 4 million views and SocialBlade estimates they make over $22,000 a month.

6. Relationships

Relationships is one of the most popular YouTube niches. This type of channel can cover everything from dating advice to relationship tips. You can also share personal stories about your own relationships, and offer advice to other viewers who may be experiencing similar issues.

An example channel is called Make Them Love You. They talk about different aspects of love and relationships.

make them love you

Their most popular video has over 2 million views and they also use a script, a voiceover, and video stock footage and combine it together with tools like or InVideo.

And their social blade stats show they make over $2,000 a month.

So if you like to talk about relationships, this would be a great YouTube channel idea for you.

7. Animals

If you’re passionate about animals, then this would be one of the best YouTube niches for you.

There are countless channels devoted to all kinds of animals, from dogs and cats to lions and tigers.

An example of a channel in this niche is Smart Dog Lover.

Smart Dog Lover youtube channel

Their videos are all about interesting information about dogs that people are already searching for and they have a script to voiceover and video stock footage.

And I did want to mention besides making money with Google Adsense, they are most likely making affiliate commissions with the Clickbank product and Amazon.

If you take a look at some of their videos, you you’ll see all of these are Amazon affiliate links so if people purchase this product they earn a commission.

8. Technology

If you have an interest in the latest tech, then starting a technology channel will be a great way to showcase your knowledge and expertise.

You can also use this as the base for a more general tech channel or create videos about more niche-specific topics like iPhones, Androids, drones, laptops, etc.

An example in this niche is Top Tech Now.

top tech now

They review technology which would be something you could easily outsource by having someone write the script, someone does the voiceover, and then have a video editor put it all together which it looks like they do on this channel.

And again they never do show their face and you can see for the most popular videos they have used keywords that have good search volume and low competition like the best Bluetooth speaker 2021 gets over 94,000 searches and has little competition according to TubeBuddy.

And considering these videos have millions of views and the CPM for this niche is around $16 to $20 we can assume these top videos have made a lot of money.

9. Luxury

The next profitable Youtube niche is luxury. If you are an expert in luxury products, then starting a luxury channel will allow you to share your knowledge and expertise with the world.

An example channel is luxury king and this channel has been around for only 10 months and they already have a video with over a million views.

mr luxury

This channel they have a script, a voice-over, and video stock footage – very simple.

On the luxury channel, you can discuss the latest trends in the luxury market, interview top designers and industry insiders, and review the latest high-end products.

10. ASMR

ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response and these videos have a certain sound that’s relaxing and help people with anxiety stress or falling asleep.

An example channel is ASMR Soap with over 562,000 subscribers and they literally crush or scrape soap.

asmr soap

Their most popular video has over 5 million views and it’s a very popular thing for people to watch.

And what’s cool about this niche, videos like this people would literally watch them over and over which would give you a lot more views.

And SocialBlade estimates they make around $15,000 a month so you can see this would be a very profitable YouTube niche to get into and I think one that would be very fun as well as relaxing.

11. Business

If you have a background in business or own your own business, then starting a business channel can be a great way to gain followers.

This is due to the fact that there are plenty of people who would love to learn more about starting their own company.

And an example channel is Success Secrets TV and they have over 1 million subscribers.

success secrets tv youtube channel

They also use animated whiteboard videos that are very easy to create with tools like Renderforest and talk about different aspects of business and entrepreneurship.

Their most popular video has over 4 million views and their social blade stats estimate they make over $3000 a month in ad revenue which again I estimate is higher because of what advertisers will pay in this niche and the number of subscribers I have.

So if business interests you this would be a great channel for you to check out.

12. Makeup

The next very popular YouTube niche is makeup. And an example channel is Christen Dominique.

Christen Dominique youtube channel

She has other topics besides makeup, but I would recommend if you want to get into this niche, to be very specific and just have it be about makeup.

For example, makeup for women over 50 years old or makeup for teenage girls.

And of course, there are many ways to monetize with affiliate products from Amazon, or if you’re part of a network marketing company that has makeup products, you could put a link to your products in the description of your video and make money from affiliate commissions besides Google AdSense.

13. Investing

If you are a huge fan of investing, then starting an investing channel is a great way to show the world your tips and tricks for investing money. You can also use this as the base for a more general finance channel.

An example of a Youtube channel in the investing niche is Casgains Academy where they talk about different aspects of investing you can see the most popular video has gotten over 1.3 million views just 7 months ago.

casgains academy youtube channel

The CPM for the investing niche is around $25 to $30 per 1000 views.

14. Personal Finance

A personal finance channel is the perfect way to discuss topics like budgeting, debt, and taxes, but also provide tips and tricks for maximizing your money.

A great example is the Practical Wisdom channel which talks about all aspects of managing your personal finances.

practical wisdom youtube channel

And this niche pays anywhere from $35 to $45 per 1000 views.

Their most popular video has 9.8 million views and if we take a CPM of $35 we can imagine that video alone has earned them over $300,000.

15. Book Reviews

Many people love reading and they love getting recommendations for books from others. This means that there is always going to be interest in book reviews. Additionally, there are a lot of ways to monetize book review videos. You can include ads, affiliate links to Audible, and even sell your own products related to books.

A great example of a book review channel that I actually follow is Productivity Game which has over 480,000 subscribers and gains around 7,000 subscribers a month.

productivity game youtube channel

This guy is doing book reviews on popular books about productivity and entrepreneurship.

He is using software like Renderforest to do whiteboard videos. This type of software is drag and drop so it doesn’t require a lot of technical skills.

And these types of videos keep people’s attention which is one of the most important metrics on whether a video does well or not.

16. Cars

Cars is a popular YouTube niche with a big earning potential. You can either talk about cars like this channel, Bladed Angels.

bladed angel youtube channel

With these types of videos, you don’t have to show your face if you don’t want to.

You can just have video stock footage, a script, and a voiceover, or if you’re fixing cars, you don’t have to show your face.

You can just show your hands and what you’re doing with a car. So if you know something about cars, this would be a great channel idea.

And this is one of the top advertisers on YouTube in the carnage because they have highly targeted leads who are interested in cars.

So companies like Carvana will pay really well to advertise on your videos.

You can also monetize this niche with affiliate marketing as ChrisFix does.

chrisfix youtube affiliate links

He links to products and tools he uses on eBay and Amazon, and of course, he makes a commission when someone purchases through his link.

And his videos get a lot of views. In fact, he has over 1 billion views on his channel so he’s making really good money through the Google AdSense program.

So people really want to watch videos about how to fix their cars, right?

And he links to his website where he sells merchandise as well. So, in several different ways, he’s making money through his channel and really good money at that.

17. Software

The great part about the software niche is that the CPM is super high and you can get recurrent income by placing affiliate links to the software in the description of your videos.

An example in the software niche is our channel Business Solution.

Some of these videos get quite a lot of views despite the fact we have a small number of subscribers compared to other channels in other Youtube niches. But hey, everyone has to start from zero, right?

And you can see how we work with other software companies helping them promote their products and earn recurring income besides what we’re making with Google AdSense, which is as of now a couple of hundred dollars a month.

18. DIY & Crafts

A YouTube channel idea that doesn’t require a lot of setups is DIY & crafts. If you’re handy with drawing or if you have a creative side, you can do something very similar to 5 Minute Crafts, which is one of the most popular YouTube channels with over 75 mln subscribers.

5 minute crafts youtube channel

In this, you can create videos around drawing, woodworking, and coloring books, so there’s a whole bunch of wide range of different crafts that you can do.

And you don’t have to show your face and oftentimes, all you have to do is just have an overhead camera and film how you make what you’re doing.

19. Unboxing

The great thing about the unboxing niche is if you become a famous YouTuber in this niche, companies will send you their stuff to review.

One of the most famous YouTube channels in the unboxing niche is Unbox Therapy.

unbox therapy youtube channel

And on the channel, pretty much he unboxes new gadgets and gives commentary on what he likes and what doesn’t like.

And it ranges so from really luxurious stuff like a BMW phone to some really really cheap smartphones, so he does a wide range of stuff.

20. Beauty & Fashion

Beauty and fashion channels on YouTube offer a wide variety of content from trending fashion and hair tutorials to product reviews and more.

Bestdressed is a popular beauty and fashion channel featuring outfit ideas, lifestyle, and more.


These channels are often run by beauty and fashion experts, who share their knowledge and experience with their viewers.

Many beauty and fashion channels also feature hauls, where the creators show off the products they’ve recently purchased, as well as lookbooks, where they show off different outfits and styles.

21. Education

Educational channels on YouTube cover a wide range of subjects, including science, math, history, and more. These channels often feature lectures, demonstrations, and other types of content designed to teach viewers about a particular topic.

Khan Academy is a well-known educational channel that offers a wide range of educational videos on subjects like math, science, and more.

khan academy

Some educational channels are run by teachers or educators, while others are created by individuals who are passionate about a particular subject and want to share their knowledge with others.

22. Entertainment

YouTube is a great platform for all kinds of entertainment content. This can include music videos, movie trailers, TV show clips, and more.

There are also many channels that offer entertainment news, celebrity interviews, and other types of content related to the entertainment industry and if you want to learn from the best in the business then look no further than MrBeast.


MrBeast is one of the most popular YouTubers with over 125 million subscribers. He is known for his extravagant videos, in which he performs elaborate stunts and challenges and often gives away large sums of money to his participants and viewers.

23. Mental Health & Self Care

There is a growing interest in mental health and self-care, and YouTube is a great platform for sharing information and resources on these topics.

If you have some education or knowledge, YouTube could be a great platform for sharing information and resources on mental health and self-care.

The School of Life is a popular YouTube channel that covers a wide range of topics related to mental health and self-care, including psychology, philosophy, and personal growth.

the school of life

And if you think that this YouTube niche is for you, you could cover topics like anxiety, depression, stress management, and more, and could offer tips and techniques for improving mental well-being.

24. Eco-Friendly Living

With increasing awareness of environmental issues, there is a growing audience for content related to eco-friendly living.

Shelbizleee is a popular YouTube channel that covers topics related to sustainable living and environmentalism, including green home improvements, eco-friendly products, and more.


YouTube channels in this niche could cover topics like sustainable fashion, green home improvements, and more.

25. Gardening & Farming

Gardening and farming channels on YouTube often feature content on topics like organic gardening, permaculture, and homesteading.

Epic Gardening is a popular YouTube channel that covers topics related to gardening and farming, including organic gardening, permaculture, and homesteading.

Here you could offer tips and techniques for growing your own food, as well as information on sustainable farming practices.

26. Pet Care

Pet care channels on YouTube offer a wide variety of content related to the care and well-being of pets. This could include training tips, nutrition advice, and health information for a variety of different types of pets.

An example of a successful YouTube niche in the pet care space is The Pet Collective.

the pet collective

Some content examples for this niche could include training tips, nutrition advice, and health information for a variety of different types of pets.

27. Art & Design

Similar to the DIY niche, there is a large audience for art and design content on YouTube, with many channels featuring tutorials, reviews, and other resources related to these topics

The Art Sherpa is a popular YouTuber artist.

the art sherpa

If you have some artistic skills, you could cover a wide range of topics, including drawing, painting, graphic design, and more.

Best YouTube Niches in 2023 Wrapping Up

So these are the best YouTube niches in 2023. Whatever angle you choose, make sure that you are passionate about the topic, and be prepared to put in the time and effort required to make your channel successful.

Remember that quality content is key – viewers will only keep coming back if they feel like they are getting something valuable from your videos.

So take the time to plan out each episode carefully, and make sure that everything you post is both informative and entertaining.

The post 27 Best YouTube Niches in 2023 with High CPM (+Channel Examples) appeared first on

How to Start a Faceless YouTube Channel in 2023 (Free Course) Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:42:11 +0000 In this step-by-step guide, we are going to be going over how you can start a faceless Youtube channel in 2023. This is one of the best opportunities for making money on YouTube and doing something that can generate a lot of passive income without having to show your face. This guide is inspired by […]

The post How to Start a Faceless YouTube Channel in 2023 (Free Course) appeared first on

In this step-by-step guide, we are going to be going over how you can start a faceless Youtube channel in 2023.

This is one of the best opportunities for making money on YouTube and doing something that can generate a lot of passive income without having to show your face.

This guide is inspired by Tube Mastery by Matt Parr which is one of the best YouTube automation courses out there.

Here is what we’re going to cover in this faceless YouTube channel course:

  • Best faceless YouTube channel niches & ideas
  • How to choose a profitable niche
  • How to create faceless YouTube videos
  • How to monetize your channel
  • Strategies to grow your channel
  • Tips on increasing likes & subscribers
  • Tools & software to take your channel to the next level

And so much more.

So first let’s talk about what a faceless Youtube channel is. I’ll give you a definition and then I’ll go through some very popular faceless Youtube channels out there.

Let’s get started.

What is a Faceless YouTube Channel?

A faceless YouTube channel is a method of YouTube video creation where there is no person in front of the camera as the subject of the video.

So it might be a little bit hard to understand based on that definition what it is. A lot of you guys seem to want to have YouTube channels but a lot of you don’t like being in front of cameras which is pretty normal.

In fact, I don’t even like being in front of the camera myself but this faceless YouTube strategy allows you to make great videos and not have to be in it. It’s basically just using voiceovers and stock footage.

So now let’s talk about why you should start a faceless channel. I know I’ve hinted at why you should already but this really is such a great way to get into the youtube game without having to show your face.

So I mean obviously the biggest benefit of starting a faceless channel is that you don’t need to get in front of a camera. You don’t need to be the image of your channel if you want to remain anonymous and you just don’t like that type of attention.

Also, you don’t need any expensive equipment, nice cameras, lighting, or a setup because it can all be automated, and that’s going to really save up on a lot of startup costs.

Faceless YouTube Channel Examples

Here are some examples of some of the successful faceless Youtube channels. You might not even associate these channels with being faceless but if you watch their videos you’ll see that there’s no one actually talking to the camera.

You don’t see anyone’s face. It’s literally a bunch of stock footage or graphics that is backed by some type of voice-over. So let me actually take you through some of these channels just so you can see what they’re like.

The first one that we’re going to check out and that is going to be Bright Side.

bright side

They’ve got over 42.9 million subscribers.

And when you have that much volume it’s really easy to monetize. They post about 3 videos per day which is very impressive.

These are the types of videos that are all over YouTube you probably have seen a ton of them and you haven’t really thought this is a faceless YouTube channel.

Choosing a Niche & Type of Content

So the first thing you want to do is select a YouTube niche and figure out what your audience is.

The two questions you’re asking yourself are who are you creating the content for and who you want to serve with your content.

Content doesn’t all have to be educational or informational.

In fact, the way that you’re serving your audience can just be entertainment but if you just want to know what these two things are then you want to determine the problems that your target audience is looking to solve.

So how can you create videos that solve these problems and also are you able to answer the questions your audience frequently asks or cares about when you do that, that’s going to increase your click-through rate and that’s really going to help the performance of your channel.

Best Faceless YouTube Channel Ideas

Your niche is the category or type of content that you will be making and this type of content is going to hopefully target a specific and definable group of people.

Now I want to share with you examples of faceless YouTube channel ideas that perform well.

  • Cryptocurrency
  • Trading cards
  • Trending show
  • Trending movies
  • eSports

To find a trending niche, you can use tools like Google Trends. For example, if you take NFT, you’ll find that this topic is more popular.

google trends nft

So this could be potentially a good niche to start a YouTube channel without showing your face in 2023.

Niching Down

To find a profitable and low competition niche for your channel you should niche down.

So this could be things like:

  • Tips for dog owners
  • Facts about Fortnite
  • Tips about traveling to Europe
  • Investing in crypto

if I were to start off with a faceless channel right now it would probably be these types of specific niches rather than general ones.

How To Create Faceless YouTube Videos

There are many ways to create faceless YouTube videos including:

  • Turning text into video
  • Making animation videos
  • Recording B-Roll
  • Using stock footage
  • Recording your screen

And more.

One of the easiest ways to make faceless videos is to turn text into video.

With tools like Pictory AI or InVideo, you can convert any text into a really professional-looking video in minutes.

Both of these text-to-video generators offer a free plan for our readers to get you started, so make sure to check them out.

💡 Pro Tip

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to outsource on Fiverr the right way.

Starting Faceless YouTube Channel Without Showing Your Face: Checklist

Now let’s talk about some of the actionable steps that you can take right now to start building your faceless Youtube channel.

✅ Choose Your Niche – First off is choose what type of channel you want to make.

✅ Create a Channel – And then create your Youtube channel by going to and creating an account there.

✅ Decide Your Strategy – Next, you’re gonna want to decide on your method of operations. So are you gonna want to do everything yourself and not spend any money, do you want to pay for everything, or do you want to do a hybrid approach.

✅ Plan Your Content – then you’re going to begin planning and creating your content. It’s where a lot of people make content for a little bit and then burn out but you do want to plan and you do want to create consistent content for your channel.

✅ Analyze What’s Working – After 33 uploads you’re going to want to go back and analyze what is working and what’s not working. So the things that are working you’re going to want to replicate that and build off that. And the things that are not working you’re going to want to scrap that.

✅ Monetize Your Channel – If you stay consistent, you’re going to be able to monetize your channel, scale up and exponentially grow your earnings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a faceless channel on YouTube?

A faceless YouTube channel is one where the creator does not show their face in the videos. Instead, they may use voiceovers, animations, graphics, or other means to convey their content. This allows creators to express themselves and engage with their audience without being a public figure.

Can I make a faceless YouTube channel?

Yes, anyone can create a faceless YouTube channel. All you need to do is set up a YouTube channel and produce videos without showing your face. You can use voiceover narration, off-screen narrators, or even hire guests to host your videos. Animated videos, graphics, and virtual characters are also popular options for faceless channels.

Is being a faceless YouTuber good?

Being a faceless YouTuber has its advantages. It allows creators to maintain their privacy and anonymity while still sharing content and engaging with their audience. Many successful YouTube channels operate without showing the creator’s face, proving that it’s possible to build a substantial following and monetize your channel without being in the spotlight.

What are the best faceless YouTube channels?

There are numerous successful faceless YouTube channels across various niches. Some popular categories for faceless channels include DIY tutorials, video game reviews, technology reviews, illustration/animation channels, podcast channels, meditation channels, motivational channels, music channels, news channels, tour videos, tutoring channels, 3D/360 channels, ASMR channels, and gardening channels.

Is a faceless YouTube channel profitable?

Faceless YouTube channels can be profitable. They can earn revenue in the same ways as other YouTube channels, such as through Google Ad revenue, sponsored videos, YouTube subscription revenue, and selling merchandise related to their content.

Faceless YouTube Automation Final Words

So there you have it. That is how you start a Youtube channel without showing your face.

This is a very great way to start making income through Youtube which is only growing.

Over the next decade, Youtube might take over the world since it’s certainly going to be one of the biggest networks that people are watching on a consistent basis

So if you are looking for a side hustle and you want your piece of the pie, this could be a great online business to start.

The most popular choices include Amazon, and eBay, as well as smaller companies such as ShareASale. It is important to note that this form of monetization will only generate income if you have a large following online.

💡 Pro Tip

If you want to learn more about this monetization strategy, you can check out this guide on how to do affiliate marketing with YouTube.

Paid Promotion

The next way to monetize your YouTube channel is what is called paid promotion or YouTube sponsorship. This is an agreement between you and another company that pays to have your video promoted through social media or search results.

You can also use this method to promote products, services, or events in exchange for payment – just make sure the product you are promoting is relevant to your viewers!

Selling Merchandise

YouTube is a great platform for selling merchandise. You can reach a wide audience with your videos and promote your products to a large number of potential customers.

YouTube is also a great way to connect with your customers and build a rapport with them. By offering exclusive deals and discounts to your YouTube subscribers, you can encourage them to buy your products.

Selling Digital Products

The next way is selling digital products like courses or ebooks. YouTube is a great platform to sell and market digital products.

As stated before, your audience trusts you and is looking for information from you rather than someone they do not know.

People who may be interested in your products will already have watched several of your videos, gaining their trust as well as an understanding of what kind of product you offer.

Just as with affiliate marketing, this will work on a larger scale if you have gained enough subscribers.

So these are the most common YouTube monetization strategies.

You just need to be creative. As long as you have eyeballs you can be creative and find a ton of different ways to monetize those eyeballs.

Tips on Increasing Likes & Subscribers

Let’s talk about some YouTube growth hacks that will help you increase your likes and subscribers.

First of all, you need to provide consistent value with your content. I feel like I’ve said this a lot but I just really want to emphasize that because the quality of your content is so important to build an audience that continually watches your videos.

Answer any questions your audience is curious about or asks and provide solutions for problems that your audience faces.

Offer Giveaways To Incentivize Engagements

Another thing you can do is offer giveaways to incentivize engagements. For example, you can give a shout-out in the next video to someone that likes or subscribes or comments on your videos.

So you can put that at the end, or at the beginning and that should lead to a bit more conversions in actually liking, subscribing, or commenting.

Or you can offer something like a gift card that’s related to the channel topic. That’s going to really increase the number of people that think “Hey I should actually subscribe to this channel”

Ask Your Viewers To Like & Subscribe

And I don’t recommend being too pushy with this but you do need to ask your viewers to like and subscribe preferably multiple times throughout the video.

Because if you don’t ask a lot of people if they like your video they’re still not going to subscribe.

Schedule Your Videos At the Right Time

So now I want to give you guys a sort of a cool bonus video release strategy that has worked on my faceless videos and that is when you schedule your videos to release at a time that is not on the hour or it’s not on the half-hour mark.

The reason for this is because a lot of different YouTube channels out there are going to release their videos exactly on the hour or on the half hours so it could be like 7 p.m or 7.30 p.m.

So you’re essentially competing with those channels if they post at the exact same time as you.

And a lot of your initial views are going to come from YouTube actually notifying your subscribers that you just posted a video so they’re going to really push out your video to viewers more heavily when it’s first released.

So thinking about that it makes sense to schedule your videos on the 15-minute mark so 15 or 45 or even something that’s just not on an even number so for example 6.45 p.m or 6.48 p.m could be good times to post.

And when you do that it allows your content to get pushed to more viewers immediately after release.

Scaling Your Faceless YouTube Channel

Let’s talk about ways to scale your channel.

Reach 10,000 Subscribers

The first thing when it comes to scaling and 10xing your earnings you do want to reach 10,000 or more subscribers on your channel.

Because once you reach that level you have a pretty decently sized channel you’ll be able to get more brand deals, more affiliates are going to be willing to work with you, and of course, your AdSense is probably going to be higher since you have more active subscribers.

Create New Channel With The Same Or Similar Content

Once your channel reaches that 10,000 subscriber mark, you can actually create a new channel with the exact same type of content or similar and then incentivize your current subscribers from your original channel to subscribe to that new channel.

Create Community Posts

From there, you can do community posts that share content from that new channel in order to send people from your existing channel that new one.

And we’re going to keep doing that until we can get the second channel to 10,000 or more subscribers and then we’re gonna keep repeating that.

This way you can build multiple channels in similar niches and piggyback off of your existing successful faceless channels.

How To Outsource Video Creation

And let’s talk about Fiverr for a second because there’s something that you guys really need to be aware of before hiring anyone on Fiverr.

A lot of these people on Fiverr are going to have offers where they do everything for you in one package.

And based on the experience of people I’ve talked to when they hire these types of people to just do everything in one single package, usually, the quality is extremely low and you get delivered this video that not a lot of people are going to actually give it a lot of watch time.

And you’ll see that a lot of these cheaper all-in-one packages use these robot voiceovers that no one likes to listen to

So you definitely want to be aware of this and another thing with these all-in-one packages is that a lot of the time they’re basically doing no research for you and when that happens you get a very low-quality script that doesn’t create a good video.

Because remember these videos have to be good otherwise people aren’t going to watch them and youtube is not going to keep pushing this content out.

So if you start with a bad quality script then it’s going to be very hard to grow your channel so for most of you guys I’m going to say it’s better off to find quality candidates to complete each of these components for your faceless videos

So that means going on Fiverr or Upwork or whatever sites, finding people, testing them seeing how they perform, and then just keep doing this until you find the right team.

💡 Pro Tip

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to outsource on Fiverr the right way.

Starting Faceless YouTube Channel Without Showing Your Face: Checklist

Now let’s talk about some of the actionable steps that you can take right now to start building your faceless Youtube channel.

✅ Choose Your Niche – First off is choose what type of channel you want to make.

✅ Create a Channel – And then create your Youtube channel by going to and creating an account there.

✅ Decide Your Strategy – Next, you’re gonna want to decide on your method of operations. So are you gonna want to do everything yourself and not spend any money, do you want to pay for everything, or do you want to do a hybrid approach.

✅ Plan Your Content – then you’re going to begin planning and creating your content. It’s where a lot of people make content for a little bit and then burn out but you do want to plan and you do want to create consistent content for your channel.

✅ Analyze What’s Working – After 33 uploads you’re going to want to go back and analyze what is working and what’s not working. So the things that are working you’re going to want to replicate that and build off that. And the things that are not working you’re going to want to scrap that.

✅ Monetize Your Channel – If you stay consistent, you’re going to be able to monetize your channel, scale up and exponentially grow your earnings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a faceless channel on YouTube?

A faceless YouTube channel is one where the creator does not show their face in the videos. Instead, they may use voiceovers, animations, graphics, or other means to convey their content. This allows creators to express themselves and engage with their audience without being a public figure.

Can I make a faceless YouTube channel?

Yes, anyone can create a faceless YouTube channel. All you need to do is set up a YouTube channel and produce videos without showing your face. You can use voiceover narration, off-screen narrators, or even hire guests to host your videos. Animated videos, graphics, and virtual characters are also popular options for faceless channels.

Is being a faceless YouTuber good?

Being a faceless YouTuber has its advantages. It allows creators to maintain their privacy and anonymity while still sharing content and engaging with their audience. Many successful YouTube channels operate without showing the creator’s face, proving that it’s possible to build a substantial following and monetize your channel without being in the spotlight.

What are the best faceless YouTube channels?

There are numerous successful faceless YouTube channels across various niches. Some popular categories for faceless channels include DIY tutorials, video game reviews, technology reviews, illustration/animation channels, podcast channels, meditation channels, motivational channels, music channels, news channels, tour videos, tutoring channels, 3D/360 channels, ASMR channels, and gardening channels.

Is a faceless YouTube channel profitable?

Faceless YouTube channels can be profitable. They can earn revenue in the same ways as other YouTube channels, such as through Google Ad revenue, sponsored videos, YouTube subscription revenue, and selling merchandise related to their content.

Faceless YouTube Automation Final Words

So there you have it. That is how you start a Youtube channel without showing your face.

This is a very great way to start making income through Youtube which is only growing.

Over the next decade, Youtube might take over the world since it’s certainly going to be one of the biggest networks that people are watching on a consistent basis

So if you are looking for a side hustle and you want your piece of the pie, this could be a great online business to start.

💡 Pro Tip

Here are some of the tools that will help you create your faceless YouTube videos easily:

What You Need To Start A YouTube Channel Without Showing Your Face

Now let’s talk about some must-haves to create YouTube videos without showing your face.

Banner Image & Channel Icon

The first one is the channel icon and the banner image. These two things need to align with the content that you are making on the channel.

So I really recommend making your channel icon and the banner image super high quality.

And if you guys aren’t good at graphic design which probably most of you guys aren’t, I’d recommend hiring someone to do it on platforms like Fiverr.

fiverr youtube banner design

There are tons of pretty affordable options if you’re willing to pay someone else but if you do want to do it yourself, I would definitely recommend investing in Canva which also has a free version.

Video Script

Video scripts are the words that are being spoken by the narrator of the video.

The free method of making a script is you’re going to research the video yourself and that could take anywhere between 30 minutes to 5 hours.

I think for most videos and writing that script yourself is the free method because you’re just trading your own time and you’re doing It yourself.

The paid method is paying a freelancer on Fiverr.


💡 Pro Tip

One of the best and easiest ways is using some of the AI copywriting tools like my recommended tool that I personally use – Jasper AI. They have great templates specifically created for YouTube that allow you to generate:

jarvis youtube templates

Video Footage

Next, we have the video footage so that’s what the audience is actually seeing when they watch the video itself.

There’s a free method that’s basically when you use free stock websites to get your footage. So some of the sites I recommend are Pexels and Pixabay.

There are a ton of free images as well as a ton of free video stock footage so you can just search through there get clips from that and put that in your video.

You can also use YouTube creative commons where you’ll find a lot of stuff. You can also screen record yourself doing something on your computer and show that or you can film with your own equipment that you have.

This does require that you have a phone or camera and that could take a lot longer so probably not the best way to really automate the faceless YouTube game.

Then we have the paid method of getting your video footage so you can use something like Pictory, and they have a ton of really premium stock footage on their website.

Voice Over

That’s what the audience hears during the video. With the voiceover, there is a free method which is just recording it yourself so you will have to decide if my voice is good for this.

And if this is something I want to do because it definitely takes away from the whole passiveness of this business model.

And then there’s the paid method which is just where you hire a voice-over artist from Fiverr. There are a lot of really great voice-over actors on that platform so that is something I would recommend.

💡 Pro Tip

If you’re using tools like Pictory – the #1 text to video generator, you can take advantage of their dozens of high-quality AI voiceovers.

Pictory voiceover

Video Music

Depending on your intended viewer’s age group, you will want to pick music that matches their interests. If the majority of your viewers are older than 40 you may not want to use dubstep tracks in your background.

Research similar videos and see what they have used for background tracks so you can get an idea of what may work for your audience.

As far as music you can get free music from the Youtube audio library.

Video Editing

Once you have written out your script and picked the background music it is time to start editing so how all the video footage, graphics, and stuff is broken up to visually appeal to the audience.

When it comes to video editing you can do it yourself for free with software like Pictory, iMovie, or InVideo.

Or you if you have some video editing skills you can use more advanced options like Wisecut which is really cool.

You can also hire a video editor on Fiverr and that’s probably what I’m going to recommend for most of you guys since video editing can take a long time and it is a step that you will want to automate at least some points in the future.


And then lastly we have the thumbnail. This is the video preview image that is basically your clickbait. It’s what people see along with the title of the video and the purpose of this thumbnail is to draw people in.

We really want a thumbnail that makes people want to watch the video.

And for your thumbnails, you can either just create them yourself just using maybe the free version of Canva or you can pay for Canva Pro which unlocks a lot of new features.

canva youtube thumbnail templates

Or again, you can hire people to make your thumbnails for you on Fiverr.

Best Tools To Grow Your Channel

When you’re building your faceless YouTube channel there are some tools that you absolutely need.


InVideo is a free video maker app that lets you create and edit your own videos, add music or an audio track, and enhance the videos with filters and effects.

They offer over 5,000 professional video templates to choose from.

invideo templates

But the most interesting feature of this tool for faceless YouTube channels is the ability to turn text into video.

>> InVideo offers 7 day free trial for our readers +25% discount for all of their paid plans.


So the main one that I use is TubeBuddy. It helped me out so much and they do have a free browser extension that integrates directly into your YouTube and it helps you optimize your channel.

tubebuddy features

It’s going to do keyword research for you, it’s going to recommend different tags for your videos.

It has a lot of features that assist with thumbnail testing and video promotions.

It’s definitely something I recommend and at least get the free TubeBuddy version because even with the free version there are a ton of things that will help you grow Your channel.


Videly is a new software that lets you rank your YouTube videos on Youtube and other search engines on the first page.

The way it works, it actually scans Youtube and retrieves the best keywords that will rank your video on top of search engines.

It offers tools like:

  • Keyword research
  • Niche analysis
  • Video details
  • Video report

And rank tracker.

So, if you’re looking for a new and easy way to rank your videos, then I highly recommend checking out this tool.

>> Videly offers our readers a 75% off discount to get you started.

Growing Your Faceless Youtube Automation Channel Tips & Strategies

So now let’s talk about some of the best strategies for your channel’s growth.

Post Consistent & Quality Content

First of all, we want to have consistent and quality content. You don’t want to put out bad content because that just means that no one’s going to actually watch your videos.

And I would recommend for most of you do at least 2 videos per week. If you can do 2 videos per week that are going to be very consistent and it’s going to be frequent enough so you can grow faster.

Create Evergreen Content

I also recommend creating videos that answer questions that your audience is asking frequently. So a lot of these videos are going to be evergreen content that shows up when people search for different things on YouTube.

And what a lot of people don’t realize is that YouTube is the second-largest search engine right after Google so if you can get some of those evergreen search results.

If you can get ranked for those search terms then your channel is going to have a huge huge advantage.

Apply 33 Video Rule

Now one thing I want to tell you guys is the 33-video rule. And this just states that once you’ve posted 33 videos you want to double down on the best-performing content.

Go through all the videos look at the ones that have performed the best the most views the most likes and then start doubling down on that.

Post At The Right Time

And also you can post videos when your viewers are on YouTube. This is going to give you a small but maybe noticeable boost in your initial views.

And how you do that is you go to the Youtube Studio then you go to analytics and then you go to “audience”

It’s going to show you when most of your subscribers are active on Youtube.

See What Other Channels Do

And of course, look at other faceless youtube channels that are in your specific niche and then start doing things that they’re doing. If they have a certain type of thumbnail that works well, start doing that.

If they have certain video topics that are doing extremely well make your own version of that.

Monetizing YouTube Channel

Now let’s talk about some of the ways to make money on YouTube.

Google AdSense

YouTube monetization comes in many different forms but the most direct way of getting paid for your YouTube channel is through Google AdSense.

youtube monetization policies

So you need to be a part of the YouTube partnership program in order to receive a portion of the AdSense revenue.

To get monetized you need to get your first 1000 subscribers and also you need to have over 4,000 watch hours. once you reach that point, you could expect to make $10 to $300 a month from AdSense. You can read more in our article on Youtube monetization statistics.

So you can’t just go out and buy a thousand subscribers that’s not going to work because you do need that 4,000 plus hours of watch time which can be quite hard for beginners to get.

But as I said for most channels it’s going to take probably half a year to get monetized and then after that, it’s just going to be a pretty steady stream of income.

Now Adsense is the most direct way of getting paid for YouTube videos but there are so many other ways to get paid and this includes things like affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing

This is my favorite monetization strategy because it’s the most scalable.

This is a process of partnering up with another company and promoting their products or services to your audience in exchange for a commission.

The most popular choices include Amazon, and eBay, as well as smaller companies such as ShareASale. It is important to note that this form of monetization will only generate income if you have a large following online.

💡 Pro Tip

If you want to learn more about this monetization strategy, you can check out this guide on how to do affiliate marketing with YouTube.

Paid Promotion

The next way to monetize your YouTube channel is what is called paid promotion or YouTube sponsorship. This is an agreement between you and another company that pays to have your video promoted through social media or search results.

You can also use this method to promote products, services, or events in exchange for payment – just make sure the product you are promoting is relevant to your viewers!

Selling Merchandise

YouTube is a great platform for selling merchandise. You can reach a wide audience with your videos and promote your products to a large number of potential customers.

YouTube is also a great way to connect with your customers and build a rapport with them. By offering exclusive deals and discounts to your YouTube subscribers, you can encourage them to buy your products.

Selling Digital Products

The next way is selling digital products like courses or ebooks. YouTube is a great platform to sell and market digital products.

As stated before, your audience trusts you and is looking for information from you rather than someone they do not know.

People who may be interested in your products will already have watched several of your videos, gaining their trust as well as an understanding of what kind of product you offer.

Just as with affiliate marketing, this will work on a larger scale if you have gained enough subscribers.

So these are the most common YouTube monetization strategies.

You just need to be creative. As long as you have eyeballs you can be creative and find a ton of different ways to monetize those eyeballs.

Tips on Increasing Likes & Subscribers

Let’s talk about some YouTube growth hacks that will help you increase your likes and subscribers.

First of all, you need to provide consistent value with your content. I feel like I’ve said this a lot but I just really want to emphasize that because the quality of your content is so important to build an audience that continually watches your videos.

Answer any questions your audience is curious about or asks and provide solutions for problems that your audience faces.

Offer Giveaways To Incentivize Engagements

Another thing you can do is offer giveaways to incentivize engagements. For example, you can give a shout-out in the next video to someone that likes or subscribes or comments on your videos.

So you can put that at the end, or at the beginning and that should lead to a bit more conversions in actually liking, subscribing, or commenting.

Or you can offer something like a gift card that’s related to the channel topic. That’s going to really increase the number of people that think “Hey I should actually subscribe to this channel”

Ask Your Viewers To Like & Subscribe

And I don’t recommend being too pushy with this but you do need to ask your viewers to like and subscribe preferably multiple times throughout the video.

Because if you don’t ask a lot of people if they like your video they’re still not going to subscribe.

Schedule Your Videos At the Right Time

So now I want to give you guys a sort of a cool bonus video release strategy that has worked on my faceless videos and that is when you schedule your videos to release at a time that is not on the hour or it’s not on the half-hour mark.

The reason for this is because a lot of different YouTube channels out there are going to release their videos exactly on the hour or on the half hours so it could be like 7 p.m or 7.30 p.m.

So you’re essentially competing with those channels if they post at the exact same time as you.

And a lot of your initial views are going to come from YouTube actually notifying your subscribers that you just posted a video so they’re going to really push out your video to viewers more heavily when it’s first released.

So thinking about that it makes sense to schedule your videos on the 15-minute mark so 15 or 45 or even something that’s just not on an even number so for example 6.45 p.m or 6.48 p.m could be good times to post.

And when you do that it allows your content to get pushed to more viewers immediately after release.

Scaling Your Faceless YouTube Channel

Let’s talk about ways to scale your channel.

Reach 10,000 Subscribers

The first thing when it comes to scaling and 10xing your earnings you do want to reach 10,000 or more subscribers on your channel.

Because once you reach that level you have a pretty decently sized channel you’ll be able to get more brand deals, more affiliates are going to be willing to work with you, and of course, your AdSense is probably going to be higher since you have more active subscribers.

Create New Channel With The Same Or Similar Content

Once your channel reaches that 10,000 subscriber mark, you can actually create a new channel with the exact same type of content or similar and then incentivize your current subscribers from your original channel to subscribe to that new channel.

Create Community Posts

From there, you can do community posts that share content from that new channel in order to send people from your existing channel that new one.

And we’re going to keep doing that until we can get the second channel to 10,000 or more subscribers and then we’re gonna keep repeating that.

This way you can build multiple channels in similar niches and piggyback off of your existing successful faceless channels.

How To Outsource Video Creation

And let’s talk about Fiverr for a second because there’s something that you guys really need to be aware of before hiring anyone on Fiverr.

A lot of these people on Fiverr are going to have offers where they do everything for you in one package.

And based on the experience of people I’ve talked to when they hire these types of people to just do everything in one single package, usually, the quality is extremely low and you get delivered this video that not a lot of people are going to actually give it a lot of watch time.

And you’ll see that a lot of these cheaper all-in-one packages use these robot voiceovers that no one likes to listen to

So you definitely want to be aware of this and another thing with these all-in-one packages is that a lot of the time they’re basically doing no research for you and when that happens you get a very low-quality script that doesn’t create a good video.

Because remember these videos have to be good otherwise people aren’t going to watch them and youtube is not going to keep pushing this content out.

So if you start with a bad quality script then it’s going to be very hard to grow your channel so for most of you guys I’m going to say it’s better off to find quality candidates to complete each of these components for your faceless videos

So that means going on Fiverr or Upwork or whatever sites, finding people, testing them seeing how they perform, and then just keep doing this until you find the right team.

💡 Pro Tip

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to outsource on Fiverr the right way.

Starting Faceless YouTube Channel Without Showing Your Face: Checklist

Now let’s talk about some of the actionable steps that you can take right now to start building your faceless Youtube channel.

✅ Choose Your Niche – First off is choose what type of channel you want to make.

✅ Create a Channel – And then create your Youtube channel by going to and creating an account there.

✅ Decide Your Strategy – Next, you’re gonna want to decide on your method of operations. So are you gonna want to do everything yourself and not spend any money, do you want to pay for everything, or do you want to do a hybrid approach.

✅ Plan Your Content – then you’re going to begin planning and creating your content. It’s where a lot of people make content for a little bit and then burn out but you do want to plan and you do want to create consistent content for your channel.

✅ Analyze What’s Working – After 33 uploads you’re going to want to go back and analyze what is working and what’s not working. So the things that are working you’re going to want to replicate that and build off that. And the things that are not working you’re going to want to scrap that.

✅ Monetize Your Channel – If you stay consistent, you’re going to be able to monetize your channel, scale up and exponentially grow your earnings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a faceless channel on YouTube?

A faceless YouTube channel is one where the creator does not show their face in the videos. Instead, they may use voiceovers, animations, graphics, or other means to convey their content. This allows creators to express themselves and engage with their audience without being a public figure.

Can I make a faceless YouTube channel?

Yes, anyone can create a faceless YouTube channel. All you need to do is set up a YouTube channel and produce videos without showing your face. You can use voiceover narration, off-screen narrators, or even hire guests to host your videos. Animated videos, graphics, and virtual characters are also popular options for faceless channels.

Is being a faceless YouTuber good?

Being a faceless YouTuber has its advantages. It allows creators to maintain their privacy and anonymity while still sharing content and engaging with their audience. Many successful YouTube channels operate without showing the creator’s face, proving that it’s possible to build a substantial following and monetize your channel without being in the spotlight.

What are the best faceless YouTube channels?

There are numerous successful faceless YouTube channels across various niches. Some popular categories for faceless channels include DIY tutorials, video game reviews, technology reviews, illustration/animation channels, podcast channels, meditation channels, motivational channels, music channels, news channels, tour videos, tutoring channels, 3D/360 channels, ASMR channels, and gardening channels.

Is a faceless YouTube channel profitable?

Faceless YouTube channels can be profitable. They can earn revenue in the same ways as other YouTube channels, such as through Google Ad revenue, sponsored videos, YouTube subscription revenue, and selling merchandise related to their content.

Faceless YouTube Automation Final Words

So there you have it. That is how you start a Youtube channel without showing your face.

This is a very great way to start making income through Youtube which is only growing.

Over the next decade, Youtube might take over the world since it’s certainly going to be one of the biggest networks that people are watching on a consistent basis

So if you are looking for a side hustle and you want your piece of the pie, this could be a great online business to start.

The post How to Start a Faceless YouTube Channel in 2023 (Free Course) appeared first on

Tube Mastery Review 2023: Matt Par Course Breakdown Thu, 05 Jan 2023 20:21:34 +0000 In this Tube Mastery review, you’ll find out everything you need to know about this make money on YouTube course. I’ll tell you what’s exactly inside Matt Parr’s YouTube course, what I like, and what I don’t like. YouTube is easily one of the most profitable ways to make money online. We hear about people […]

The post Tube Mastery Review 2023: Matt Par Course Breakdown appeared first on

In this Tube Mastery review, you’ll find out everything you need to know about this make money on YouTube course. I’ll tell you what’s exactly inside Matt Parr’s YouTube course, what I like, and what I don’t like.

YouTube is easily one of the most profitable ways to make money online. We hear about people with even decent size subscriber counts making even $50,000 a month off YouTube and Google AdSense.

And the new updated version of Tube Mastery 2.0 is exactly about that – how to make money on YouTube. The course covers everything from setting up your account and creating your first video to monetizing your channel to outsourcing.

So let’s get into this in-depth Tube Mastery review.

Who is Make Money Matt Par?

First, let’s talk about who this person is. Matt Par, AKA Make Money Matt is a YouTube entrepreneur with 310,000 subscribers at the time of writing this Matt Par YouTube course review.

matt parr youtube channel

Matt runs upwards of 9 profitable faceless YouTube channels simultaneously, and we’ll get into exactly how he goes about doing that.

In addition, he also runs his main personal brand channel which is dedicated to helping others start a YouTube channel along with his online course, which is dedicated to helping you do the same thing.

Now, let’s actually jump into the course and take a look at what it has to offer.

What is Matt Par YouTube Course All About?

Matt Parr YouTube course

Matt Par’s YouTube course is about creating faceless YouTube channels. The type of YouTube channel that Matt is talking about building is different than what you may think when you think of a typical YouTuber.

Matt is talking about building up niche channels that are dedicated to certain types of content. And a lot of these styles of videos, you actually don’t even need to be present on camera to build up this type of a channel.

We’re talking about channels like scariest videos, financial advice channels, Top 10, top 15, top 5 channels, etc.

You see these types of videos all the time. And though you may not realize it, there are people behind these channels actually putting effort into creating these videos where there isn’t particularly a personality on screen.

This is a highly profitable niche of business within the YouTube platform because these videos still gather hundreds of thousands, if not millions and millions of views, and these channels still get millions and millions of subscribers.

The best part is they can be monetized the exact same, if not in some cases better than a YouTube channel with a personal brand identity on it.

Tube Mastery: What’s Inside

Here we are on the front page of Tube Mastery and Monetization 2.0 and you can see all of the different categories.

Matt Parr YouTube course categories

So it starts with the introduction, the overview of the method, choosing a niche, setting your channel up for success, how to generate the videos, uploading and optimizing videos, growth module, monetization modules, scaling and outsourcing, and bonuses that we’ll cover later.

If we take a look at how to choose a niche, for example, we can see what he’ll talk about.

matt parr youtube course - choosing a niche

We have the best high CPM niches, the list of profitable YouTube niches, doing market research, and niches to avoid which will help you avoid common Youtubers’ mistakes.

Matt really does cover the full gambit of anything that you would need to learn in regards to starting a YouTube channel.

He is very thorough, and actually, I was very, very impressed. I have to be honest, when I first saw this course and I saw Matt, he’s a little bit younger looking.

He does have the social proof of having 310,000 followers on YouTube so that is a good start, but I wasn’t too sure from his initial videos, how in-depth or how knowledgeable he could be on it.

But after going through this whole course, I have to say that I was actually very, very impressed at the details and the knowledge and the actual laid out steps that he does give you to go about learning how to master a niche YouTube channel.

For example, if we go into one of these videos, you’ll see that once you click inside of it, you have all the videos within this module on the right side that you can kind of go in and out of.

matt parr youtube course - video

Below the videos, you’ll have any applicable course resources that you may need.

For example, in this video – the list of profitable niches, he has his Google doc, as well as a list of example channels.

matt parr youtube course - resources

We won’t go necessarily into detail about all of these Tube Mastery and Monetization modules. I can just tell you that these are very well laid out, very detailed videos.

Inside each of these modules, there’s a good amount of information within these videos.

Each video ranges anywhere from 5 minutes to 20 minutes typically. Very nice videos to watch.

And although I don’t believe that they are scripted, Matt does a very good job of laying out the information in a concise manner, in which it’s very digestible and easy to understand.

Another thing Matt is very good at doing is giving you the actionable steps. So instead of just word-vomiting everything out and then expecting you to just go from there, he gives you a lot of checklists as well as step-by-step processes that are actually laid out in certain timeframes as well.

So, he’s saying within the first week you should have this much done, within the next week you should have this much done, and within the third week, you could try to have this much done.

Overall, helping you to see the full scope of what you can get done in a certain amount of time.

For the last part of looking inside Matt Par course, I want to go over this one last section. This section on scaling and outsourcing might be the most important part of the course that I saw.

matt parr youtube course - scaling and outsourcing

He talks a lot about really the scaling aspect of creating this niche faceless YouTube channel.

As Matt himself runs upwards of 9 YouTube channels, you can imagine that he’s not doing all of the video creation, editing, scriptwriting, and all of the uploadings for all of these YouTube channels.

It’s just too much to handle for one person, which is why we kind of envision just one channel relating to one separate person.

And not oftentimes you think that one person could be running multiple upwards of 10+ profitable YouTube channels.

The way Matt outlines this process is through outsourcing everything from writing to content creation to even the on-camera work sometimes. And that is done through outsourcing.

Matt gives you all of his sources to where he goes to outsource. He talks about where to hire people from, he talks about hiring one person to do all the content creation, making what he calls an assembly line of content creators.

So you have somebody do the idea generation, pass it off to somebody else who does the scriptwriting, pass it off to somebody else who does the content creation, and pass it off to somebody else who does the uploading and YouTube SEO optimization.

He even goes on to say how to outsource thumbnail creation, how much you should be paying for all of these teams, how to manage the team that you ultimately get together, and then what to consider outsourcing and then multiplying revenue with translation.

So, as you can see, this is a little bit different way to attack the YouTube business model. But it has been shown over time to be very, very successful, to try to run these profitable niche channels.

Who is Tube Mastery Course For?

If you want to focus on a channel that you can build and scale, this is the course for you.

If you’re wanting to build a channel that is based around your personal identity or a talent that you have, or you want to be on camera, you want to vlog something, you want to showcase a skill, then this course isn’t exactly directed towards you.

It can help you in a lot of aspects as far as building and establishing the framework of a channel, but what Matt is really going into is how to build these niche channels that you aren’t necessarily the face of.

Tube Mastery Pros & Cons

Now, let’s talk about some of the pros and cons of this course.


The first pro obviously is that you can create a highly profitable YouTube channel without even showing your face.

A lot of times people are worried that they don’t have the personality, they don’t have the skillset, they don’t have the reachability to build up a YouTube channel because you’re looking at these vloggers or these YouTube personalities, and you don’t think that you can be that. And you may not need to be that in order to run a profitable YouTube channel.

The second pro is that Matt is very aware of these different types of growth patterns on YouTube, and although he does touch on building a personal brand and kind of creating a hybrid, not on camera, on-camera channel, I would say the bulk of the course is about building these faceless niche channels.

The third pro is that this is a very guided course. This course is very much a hold-your-hand kind of walk-through course, which is actually really nice in a new business concept like this because not only is he giving you step-by-step instructions on how to go from one step to the next, he’s giving you links, he’s giving you resources, he’s giving you examples on how to get that done most effectively and to waste the least amount of time doing it.


Now let’s talk about the cons of this course. The biggest con to this course and the only one that I will mention is that you really have to understand the YouTube business model and what is your goal.

If you’re trying to build a YouTube channel based around your personal brand, and want to show your identity, talent, skills, anything that you are trying to personally convey to an audience, even if you’re trying to gain some sort of a connection with you and your audience, it isn’t going to be done through a niche channel.

These faceless YouTube channels are designed to be run more like a business, and that is what Matt is trying to teach you in this course.

Tube Mastery Price: Is It Worth It?

The regular price of the Matt Par course is set at $1997.

However, Matt offers our readers a 50% off discount so you can get Tube Mastery 2.0 for $997 for a limited time.

It’s a limited-time offer where if you do want to get in on the course, it’s probably better to get in now, as opposed to later when he may potentially up the price.

There are also 20+ bonuses in the Tube Mastery and Monetization included in the course pricing. And Matt has done actually a pretty good job inside the course of consolidating all the bonuses within the course into one page.

Tube Mastery 2.0 Bonuses

Inside the spreadsheet that actually comes from Matt’s course, you can see all of the bonuses included in the Tube Mastery 2.0 price.

Inside the course, he offers this Google sheet, which gives you the names and the links to all the different bonuses that this course does offer.

Private Facebook Community

So first, we do have a private Facebook community that is similar to any other courses you could join before, this will be the same type of thing.

The link will take you to the page you request access to. You’ll give the email that you signed up for the course so it’s important to always remember that email.

Remember that email and password, submit the email address that you signed up for the course with; they will grant you admission into the Facebook group.

And in this Facebook group, the community of channel builders is thriving and gives you an opportunity to kind of network as well as get any questions answered that you need.

List of Profitable Niches

Continuing down the list, you’ll see his step-by-step checklist, a list of the best Youtube niches that he talks about within the course.

If you have no idea where to start your YouTube channel, to begin with, he gives you just kind of an idea of really where some of the most profitable versus some of the least profitable niches are to start.

Other Bonuses

Then there are also video ideas, and script templates; he gives you his YouTube gear list, list of stock footage, music, and photos, list of affiliate programs, and list of places to hire people from for complete YouTube automation.

And going into how Matt runs these channels and how he kind of suggests that you run these channels, some of these sections are going to be very, very important.

And then he also gives you some of his opinion pieces as far as how much to pay for video creation and then his recommended software and tools that he uses to create the videos including, Videly, TubeBuddy, and other YouTube tools.

Additional bonuses down here are the FAQ course, the Tube secrets course simplified, case studies, and the VidIQ mastery course, which will be coming soon.

Tube Mastery Reviews & Testimonials

Now, let’s take a look at some of the Tube Mastery reviews and what other people have to say about the Matt Par YouTube course.

tube mastery reviews 1
Tube Mastery reviews 2

Tube Master Rating

Overall Ranking

For the final rankings of the Tube Mastery 2.0 course, I have to say it’s one of the best make money on YouTube courses. I think that Matt does a very good job of presenting information in this course. This course is very well done compared to other make money on YouTube courses.

It’s possibly due to the chance that he’s a content creator and a YouTube video maker himself, but the videos are actually very engaging, and the videos are easy to watch. And I do feel like Matt is very good about outlining points that he’s making in the video and making it very easy to digest and remember after the video is over.

He also makes sure that they are very actionable steps, which is nice.

Credibility of The Instructor

For the credibility of the instructor, I give this a 9/10. It’s very easy to see that on his personal channel. He does have 310,000 subscribers.

He doesn’t necessarily outline every channel that he may be involved in, but to see that he is making 6 figures a year, running multiple channels and through all the social proof that you can see from him, I do give him the credibility that he does deserve.


As far as the content relevant to what we’re talking about in building niche YouTube channels, this is about as relevant as it gets, I feel like Matt is still in the business, still performing very well at it, and he understands that the concepts are changing but the formula for how to build these channels has stayed relatively the same for a decent amount of time, and he’s very up to date on what that is.

You can also rest assured that Matt is updating this course. He showed it in certain sections of the course, as well as some of the bonuses that he’s going to be updating. You will see that soon.

Community and Support

For community and support, I give this a 7/10 only because yes, it does have a Facebook group. Those are very kind of easy to push onto your community.

They’re very low maintenance for the content creator so although it is nice, it’s not like going above and beyond, I would say, but that community is there, and the support that he does give you as far as all the bonuses and the opportunity to utilize his different software and recommendations is great support for the student.

Value For Money

For the total value for the price of the Tube Mastery 2.0 course, at $497, I would say that this actually is a great value if this is something that you want to get into.

Although it seems like it can be fully outsourced, it does take a lot of upfront work in the beginning and you have to be willing to dedicate yourself to a YouTube channel and the grind of building it up from zero subscribers to hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

It takes time, it takes effort. Even if you’re not going to be on camera, even if you’re not going to be scripting and shooting and editing all of the videos, it takes a lot of planning, it takes a lot of effort, it takes a lot of strategies, and those are the things that you’re going to need to learn in order to be successful in your niche.

So, if you can get in at the $500 price point, I would say that it’s very worth it if you’re looking to get into this business. Even at the $1,000 price point, I do believe that you could recoup that investment fairly quickly. But if you can get in at the 500, obviously a much better choice.

Tube Master Review Final Words

So this is my honest Tube Mastery review. This course will teach you the basics of video monetization, including how to create videos that will attract subscribers and earn money from advertising.

In my opinion, it’s one of the best courses on how to make money on YouTube for all of the reasons mentioned earlier.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to create high-quality content that will help you earn a living from your YouTube channel.

So if you’re looking to make money on YouTube, Tube Mastery 2.0 is the course for you.

👉‍ Get Tube Mastery 50% OFF Discount

(Limited Time Offer)

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YouTube Automation 2023: The Ultimate Guide [Free Course] Mon, 02 Jan 2023 13:12:26 +0000 YouTube automation is one of the most popular trends in the make money online space. Youtube automation is a process where you hire a team of people that will put together videos for you. At the same time, you sit back and collect the revenue. Today I’m going to reveal everything you need to know […]

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YouTube automation is one of the most popular trends in the make money online space. Youtube automation is a process where you hire a team of people that will put together videos for you. At the same time, you sit back and collect the revenue.

Today I’m going to reveal everything you need to know about creating a Youtube automation or cash cow channel.

Youtube cash cow it’s a pretty trending topic. It’s a buzzword that a lot of people are using on Youtube which is automating your faceless YouTube channel.

Oftentimes the people who are talking about YouTube automation keep a lot of the important information in the dark.

They don’t really tell you how much they’re paying their contractors. They’re not telling you where they’re getting their contractors from, and so today, I’ll going to uncover all of that information for you.

Let’s get right into it.


💡 Note

Before we go any further, I have to tell you that this article is inspired by Tube Mastery and Monetization 2.0 by Matt Par which is one of the best YouTube automation courses available right now. So full credit to Matt.

1. Pick a YouTube Automation Niche

The first thing you need to do to get started with YouTube automation is pick a niche. A niche is just an area where you’re going to create content.

It’s important that you want to create a niche that has a lot of content, a lot of keywords, and a lot of opportunities for growth. One of the drawbacks that many people do when they get into a cash cow and Youtube automation is they try and create content in a niche that’s too narrow so there’s not a lot of room to grow.

If there’s not a lot of room to grow, they’re looking for niches that don’t have a lot of competition. In reality, Youtube is completely different than blogging.

With YouTube, you want a niche that’s pretty wide and has a lot of competition because that will help you with keyword ideas and get discovered in the recommended section.

Best YouTube Automation Niches

It is difficult to predict exactly what the best YouTube automation niches will be in 2023, as it can depend on a variety of factors such as current events, trends, and the interests of viewers. However, some niches that have traditionally performed well on YouTube and are likely to continue to do so include:

  • Technology: Tech-related content, including product reviews, tutorials, and unboxings, is often popular on YouTube.
  • Education: Educational videos, such as lectures, tutorials, and how-to guides, can be successful on YouTube, particularly in niche subjects.
  • Pets and animals: Videos featuring pets and animals, such as training videos, animal care tips, and cute animal compilations, can be popular on YouTube.
  • Comedy and entertainment: Comedy sketches, parodies, and other entertaining videos can do well on YouTube.
  • DIY and home improvement: Many people turn to YouTube for tutorials and tips on how to do things themselves, so DIY and home improvement content can do well.
  • Beauty and fashion: Beauty and fashion videos, including makeup tutorials, hauls, and product reviews, are also popular on YouTube.
  • Food and cooking: Cooking and food-related content, such as recipe videos and food challenges, can be successful on YouTube.
  • Health and fitness: Health and fitness content, including workout routines, healthy living tips, and nutrition advice, is another niche that tends to do well on the platform.

Ultimately, the best niche for you will depend on your interests and what you are passionate about. I recommend choosing a niche that you enjoy and are knowledgeable about, as this will make creating content easier and more enjoyable for you.

Further Reading

▶ 19 Best YouTube Niches in 2023

2. Find Video Topics

There are several ways to find topics for YouTube videos:

Look at popular YouTube channels in your niche

Look at what kinds of videos are popular on other channels in your niche, and consider creating similar content or putting your own spin on a popular topic.

Consider current events and trends

Keep an eye on current events and trends in your niche and consider creating content that addresses these topics. For this, you can use Google Trends and look for the topics around your niche.

Think about your own interests and expertise: Consider creating videos on topics that you are passionate about or that you have expertise in. Your enthusiasm and knowledge will shine through in your videos and make them more engaging for your audience.

Use keyword research tools

Keyword research is an important part of optimizing your YouTube videos for search, as it helps you understand what people are searching for and how to best describe your video to appeal to your target audience.

You can tools like the Google Keyword Planner or YouTube’s own keyword suggestion tool to see what people are searching for on YouTube and get ideas for topics that are in demand.

Or you can use some of the Youtube keyword research tools like:

But one of the best ways to do Youtube keyword research is by using Videly which is an all in one video marketing tool that can help you find topics, optimize and promote your YouTube videos.

They have 5 different tools including niche analysis, rank tracker, keyword research tool, and more.

Videly features

But what makes Videly stands out among apart other youtube tools is that it actually scans searches on different search engines to give you the lowest competition with the highest amount of search volume.

It also has real-time video analytics to help you understand how videos of your competitors are performing so you can make data-driven marketing decisions.

if you want to learn more about this cool YouTube SEO tool, you can read my Videly review.

And here you can also get Videly 75% OFF discount (not available on the official website)

3. Write a Video Script

The next thing that you want to do is you want to write a script for your video.

And when it comes to your niche, you can give your scriptwriter ideas to create content and VA to do it as well.

If you’re going to ask your VA to come up with ideas for scriptwriting, make sure you train that person on what to look for.

For video script writing you can find someone on Fiverr and you pay anywhere between $10-$100.

fiverr youtube video script writing

Ideally, you probably want something that’s at least 1500-2000 words so that you can get an 8-minute video.

The key to your success when it comes to the cash cow Youtube channel is your videos need to be at least 8 minutes long so that you can add in ads throughout your videos.

We’ll talk more about how to make money off YouTube automation later.

You could also save money by writing the scripts yourself.

You could use something like which is one of the best AI copywriting tools. It has a great YouTube script template that can generate the video script for you.

jasper ai youtube video script

You could use this software to help or you write scripts yourself so that would actually save you some money.

4. Make a Voiceover

Voiceover is one of the most difficult parts of starting a YouTube automation channel. And it’s also the most time-consuming with regard to reading the script because you have to get to read it correctly and it’s very easy to mess up.

And here you have also 2 options; record a voiceover yourself or hire a voiceover artist.

There are a couple of places where you can find voice artists.

The first place is Fiverr where you can find talented voice artists, for a reasonable price.

Some freelancers charge even $20 per 100 words which is very expensive if you’d like to make a 1000 words YouTube video.

If you’d like my personal recommendation, I have one guy that I work with for a long time.

Go to Fiverr and type in (or copy and paste): dominionfire. This guy has over 3,100 5-star ratings.

fiverr voiceover artist

He charges only $10 for 400 which is a very good price. And to be honest, you probably won’t find a better price for this type of gig.

You can also post a request where you can ask for exactly what you’re looking for, and you can set the price.

The other place where you can find talented voiceover artists is which is a website where you can hire people from the Philippines.

This is a freelance platform where most of these faceless YouTube channel owners hire people to create videos from start to finish. And I know that firsthand because I took many YouTube automation courses.

And here I share this with you for free 😉

This is a paid platform for about $69/month but it works out really great because one of the first languages they learn is English.

I use it myself and have a few applicants that are willing to do a voice-over for just $10 per 1000 words.

If you’re serious about the YouTube automation business, you’ll save more money in the long term using it.

Now let’s talk about how to make YouTube automation videos.

5. Edit a Video

The most expensive part is the video editing. Video editing takes a lot of time because you’ve got to come up with motion graphics and find different slides that actually make sense with the content that the voice artist is talking about.

And so this can take up the most amount of time and can be the most expensive.

The pricing for video editing on Fiverr ranges from $10 up to a few hundred dollars.

fiverr video editing

And here again, I can recommend one guy who can make an entire cash cow YouTube video from start to finish including:

  • 1500 words script on any topic
  • American accent voiceover
  • Video editing with stock footage & motion graphics
  • Youtube thumbnail

So again, you can go to Fiverr and type in alyyhash.

And thank me later 😉

If you take the DIY route, you can also video editing software, or even better, you can use, which is one of the best AI video generators that can generate an entire video from a script or even the URL of your article.

Using this type of software can help you with creating faceless YouTube videos with voiceover, graphics, music, and all that stuff.

6. Create a YouTube Thumbnail

And the final piece that you need is a thumbnail creator. You can do it yourself by using Canva and they have great templates for YouTube thumbnails, especially on the Pro plan.

canva youtube thumbnail templates

I use Fiverr for thumbnails because I’m not a great graphic designer and I do much better when hiring someone out for this.

Fortunately, this gig on Fiverr is very cheap because here you can find someone who can create 3 thumbnails for just $5.

(By the way, the guy I recommended in the video editing section does thumbnails as well)

7. Optimize Your Video for Higher Engagement

There are a number of steps you can take to optimize and rank your YouTube videos for maximum visibility and engagement:

Use relevant, keyword-rich titles and descriptions

Make sure your titles and descriptions accurately reflect the content of your video and include relevant keywords to help your video show up in search results.

Use tags

Use tags to describe your video and help it show up in search results. Choose tags that are relevant to your video and are commonly used by people searching for videos on your topic.

Use a custom thumbnail

Choose a thumbnail that is visually appealing and accurately represents the content of your video. This can help your video stand out in search results and encourage people to click on it.

Promote your video

Share your video on your own social media accounts or with your email list and consider collaborating with other creators or influencers to promote your video to their audiences.

Engage with your audience

Once you get some traction with your channel, you can respond to comments on your video and engage with your viewers to build a community around your content. This can help encourage people to watch more of your videos and subscribe to your channel.

Analyze and optimize your video’s performance

Use YouTube’s analytics tools to track the performance of your video and identify areas for improvement. Based on this data, you can make changes to your video’s title, tags, or other elements to improve its visibility and engagement.

For more advanced tactics, you can check out my best YouTube channel growth hacks.

8. Upload Your Video on YouTube

Uploading a video on Youtube is very straightforward and you can do it yourself.

However, hiring a virtual assistant to do this can save you a lot of time.

Your virtual assistant could take care of uploading and YouTube SEO to get more views.

And this is one of the most popular jobs over

When I was looking to hire a virtual assistant to manage my Youtube channels to take care of my title tags and thumbnails, I had at one point over 300 requests from people that just wanted to do the virtual assistant job.

I was willing to pay about $300 per month for this. And again, these people are going would be uploading your completed videos that they got from the thumbnail from the video editor. They would be doing the title tags and descriptions.

You can also request that they go out and find keywords.

9. Monetize Your YouTube Automation Channel

There are several ways to make money with YouTube automation:

1. Youtube Ads

One of the most passive ways to monetize a cash cow YouTube channel is through advertising. When you enable ads on your videos, you earn a share of the advertising revenue generated from views of your videos.

For this, you need to get 1000 Youtube subscribers and have at least 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another way you can make money on YouTube. With affiliate marketing, you promote products or services offered by other companies and earn a commission on any sales that result from your promotion.

To get started with affiliate marketing on YouTube, you will need to find a product or service that you can promote and that is relevant to your audience.

Then, you can create a video reviewing or demonstrating the product, and include a link to the product in the video description. If a viewer clicks on the link and makes a purchase, you will earn a commission.

3. Sponsorships

You can also make money on YouTube by partnering with brands and companies to promote their products or services in your videos. This can involve creating sponsored content or including product placements in your videos.

You can read more about Youtube sponsorship here.

4. YouTube Memberships

When your biggest fans join your channel as paid, monthly members, you can offer them exclusive benefits like custom loyalty badges, emojis, as well as members-only content. With YouTube memberships, you decide what kind of rewards to provide and how much to charge for each membership level.

5. Selling Merchandise

You can also make money on YouTube by selling merchandise related to your channel, such as t-shirts or other branded items.

Other revenue streams: In addition to these options, you can also explore other ways to make money on YouTube, such as offering paid consultations or services, or selling digital products like ebooks or courses.

Best YouTube Automation Courses

Here are 2 best YouTube automation channel courses:

1. Tube Mastery and Monetization 2.0

Tube Mastery and Monetization 2.0 is a course created by Matt Par who runs 9 YouTube automation channels. The course covers a wide range of topics related to YouTube, including how to choose a niche, create and edit videos, optimize your channel for maximum visibility, and monetize your channel through advertising and sponsorships.

The course also covers strategies for building an engaged audience and promoting your channel.

This course exceeded my expectations. Matt shows you exactly step by step the exact roadmap of how to create a YouTube automation channel from start to finish.

matt parr youtube automation course categories

It is designed for people who are new to YouTube as well as those who already have an established channel but are looking to take their success to the next level.

And since I enrolled in this course, here you can get a nice discount on the Tube Mastery and Monetization 2.0 course.

You can also read more in my Matt Par course review.

2. Bye 9 to 5 YouTube Monetization and Automation Program

The Bye 9 to 5 YouTube Monetization and Automation Program by Jordan Mackey is my second-best recommendation for a YouTube automation course.

As the name suggests, this course is designed to help people create a passive income stream through their YouTube channel and eventually replace their traditional 9 to 5 job with their YouTube income.

What’s great, Jordan offers free Youtube automation training where he explains his methods.

How Much Does YouTube Automation Cost?

The cost of creating a YouTube video can vary significantly depending on a number of factors, such as the length and complexity of the video, the equipment and software used, the cost of any talent or crew, and many other production expenses.

But the average cost to produce a video for a Youtube automation channel is around $40 and that’s only if you don’t hire freelancers. If you hire someone you can expect to pay even a few hundred dollars per video. This is just an average, and the actual cost for your video will depend on your specific needs and goals.

So if we’re doing the math, we pay about:

  • Scriptwriter – $10
  • Voiceover artist – $15
  • Video editor – $10
  • Thumbnail creator – $5

Together is around $40 and that’s only if you don’t hire a virtual assistant.

So if you’re doing 5 videos per week you multiply that by 5 times which is $200 per week and around $800 per month.

But keep in mind, as I said earlier, you can find someone on that can do an entire video for just $20 which will cost you $100 per 5 videos.

And in this price range, you won’t find anybody on Fiverr.

On, you can put up 3 job requests and your job requests can be for:

  • Voiceover actor
  • Video editor
  • Script writer

This way, you’re going to get all of that taken care of over.

Obviously, if you want to you can pay these people a bit more but these are the prices that I’ve been able to get for the most part.

This is the price if you want to completely automate your YouTube channel and this can be a great way to make money if you find the right niche and you are actually consistent with it.

Because one of the hard parts with Youtube automation or cash cow is seeing money go out the window and nothing coming back in return until you get monetized.

And even when you get monetized the first few weeks and months can look pretty lean simply because you’re not making enough money to justify the expense.

But this can work for a few reasons because you’re planning on making money on the back end.

Starting a YouTube Automation Channel Final Words

So this is how to start a Youtube automation channel in 2023.

As long as you can manage to keep your costs by about a few hundred dollars per month following these suggestions and you monetize your channel properly with YouTube ads and promote affiliate products in the backend, you could start making your money back or at least breaking even relatively close.

But Youtube cash cow channels are incredibly powerful if you do it the right way you keep your costs in line and you don’t get crazy with the expenditures.

I’d recommend waiting on getting a Virtual assistant until you are at least breaking even with these expenses and you’ve monetized it properly.

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How To Rank YouTube Videos Fast in 2023: 9 Easy Ways Sun, 01 Jan 2023 11:11:17 +0000 Today, I’ll walk you through my 8-step strategy for how to rank YouTube videos. You’ll learn the most important YouTube SEO ranking variables for getting your videos to the top. My previous faceless YouTube channel was suffering a few years ago. I routinely produced high-quality videos and added significant value, but nothing happened when I […]

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Today, I’ll walk you through my 8-step strategy for how to rank YouTube videos. You’ll learn the most important YouTube SEO ranking variables for getting your videos to the top.

My previous faceless YouTube channel was suffering a few years ago. I routinely produced high-quality videos and added significant value, but nothing happened when I published my video.

Needless to say, I was dissatisfied. I discovered the hard way that video only works if people see it.

Now, fast forward to today, my videos consistently receive a decent number of views and my subscriber base rises month after month.

I studied every aspect of YouTube SEO and YouTube ranking factors that I could get my hands on.

And these are the ranking factors that few people are aware of. When I included these ranking elements in my videos, my ranking skyrocketed.

I began ranking for extremely competitive keywords that I’ll show later in this guide.

So let’s get into it.

1. Make Longer Videos

Let’s begin with step one, which is to publish lengthy videos. Longer videos will do better on YouTube as you may have noticed. Why?

The total watch time of your video is the most crucial ranking factor on YouTube. As you’re aware, the more people that see your video, the higher your ranking.

This is referred to as audience retention, and it’s a significant ranking element.

Even though audience retention is crucial, it is not nearly as important as the total watch duration of your video. This is because YouTube prefers to promote videos that keep users on the site for an extended period of time.

As a result, the more cumulative minutes people view your video, the higher will rank in the search result.

Assume you recently published 2 separate videos. The first video is 2 minutes long while the second video is 10 minutes long.

youtube video length

As opposed to that each video receives 1000 views and the audience retention for both videos is exactly 50%, which indicates that on average people watch half of your video. The 2-minute video will be watched for a total of 1000 minutes.

However, the longer video will have a watch time of 5,000 minutes. That means that video number 2 will have 5 times the watch time of video number 1, and it’s very likely that it will outright video number 1.

That is the power of lengthier video content. In fact, my video, which comes in the top three for the Builderall review, it’s over 28 minutes long, which is much longer than a typical YouTube video. Because it’s longer, my video has more total watch time than my competitors.

2. Create a Killer Video Title

Step number 2 for ranking a YouTube video fast is making sure that you’re spending 90% of your time actually focusing on your title.

And this is the exact opposite of what a lot of YouTubers do. In fact, you’re probably spending the majority of time creating your content, which is a huge mistake and you need to stop doing this.

A great YouTube video title will help people click on your video. If your video doesn’t show up on the feed, well then guess what’s going to happen?

Somebody’s going to have to click on your video, which is why your title and your thumbnail are more important. If nobody clicks on the video, nobody watches the video.

So why are you spending 90% of your time creating the video when you should be spending your time, getting people to click on your video, which is making a better title and making a better thumbnail.

The second thing YouTube uses titles for is whether or not they actually have an audience for your content.

So many creators that are doing stuff about, fitness, gaming, or fashion, you’re not actually using keywords that YouTube knows they have an audience for in your content.

And guess what? This is resulting in you not getting views.

This is why when you post a video, it doesn’t get pushed out like all the other small, medium, and large creators that you see on YouTube and everybody else that you’ve seen blowing up in your niche.

So if you have a lot of content out there and the content didn’t do well, but you think the video could do well, you need to find a title structure that actually works.

Include Keywords Front and Center

The very first thing you need to do is to include your exact keyword in your title. There’s no denying that Google and YouTube are becoming smarter by the day. As a result, these days of keyword stuff in your video to the top of YouTube are over.

Having said that, Google and YouTube both utilize your video’s title to determine what your video’s about. As a result, make sure to mention your specific term in your title at least once, perfectly at the starting of your title.

For example, let’s say I made a video that I wanted to rank for the keyword “Builderall Review”. So, I made sure to include my precise keyword, Builderall review at the very beginning of the title and I ranked in the top 3 for my go keyword.

builderall review

Make Sure Your Title Matches Your Video

Video titles are one of the most important parts of your Youtube ranking strategy. Match the title of your video to the content in the video for a more effective and engaging experience for viewers.

Avoid General Titles

Titles that are too general, such as “How to Market on YouTube” or “5 Tips for Successful YouTube Marketing”, can be difficult for viewers to understand and can lower viewership. Try to come up with a catchy, descriptive title that accurately reflects the content of your video. For example,

  • “How to Make a Badass Video Title” or
  • “The 3 Types of Videos You Should Make”.

Failure to create a sense of curiosity or urgency in your title and failure to include keywords that are going to allow YouTube to push your content out to the right people is going to result in you failing to get views and subscribers on YouTube.

Now at this point, you’re probably wondering, where can I find the best titles for my videos?

Where can I find the best sounds to add to my videos?

And what kind of content should I actually be creating for my niche on YouTube?

Well, I’m glad you asked because I’m about to show you just that.

Here are some great strategies on how to title your YouTube videos from VidIQ.

3. Re-Create Viral Youtube Videos

When it comes to finding topics and titles that are going to work best within your niche, you need to look for two things.

First, you need to make sure that you know what the top or trending videos in your niche are at any given time.

Secondly, you need to make sure that you have a list of 2-3 creators that you’re looking up to within your niche.

You’re going to be looking at these creators in order to find titles that work for them.

So make sure that you have a list of these YouTubers, and know exactly what is trending in your niche, and if you don’t know how to find either of those, I’m about to tell you how.

All you have to do is go to YouTube and search for something in your niche. You have to search for whatever your video topic’s going to be about, whatever somebody in your niche would be searching for.

For example, if you’re in the fitness niche, you can type in fitness workout and filter by view counts.

youtube filters - view count

And then you need to look at those videos that pop up. Then you need to watch those videos, and then recreate that video.

You’re going to want to make it the same length and use a similar title.

Now obviously, if somebody has an original sound added to that, then don’t do that because you’ll violate Youtube copyright.

But pay attention to what the actual format of the video is because again, that is a format that’s going to be successful on YouTube.

That might sound like copying. It is not copying. You’re going to be adding your own thing to it. You’re going to be adding your own personality to it.

If you look at the biggest YouTubers on the platform, they all use the same thumbnails, they all use the same title structure, and they use the same things in their videos.

They all use the same video topics over and over again. It’s like this with everything in the world.

So stop reinventing the wheel with your YouTube content. Simply take somebody’s title, tweak it a little bit, take that length of the video, take the video concept, and put your own twist on it.


💡 Pro Tip

One of the easier ways to recreate YouTube videos is by using Videly which is a video marketing tool that helps optimize and promote YouTube videos.

It has 5 different tools like niche analysis, rank tracker, keyword research tool, and more.

Videly features

But what sets this tool apart from others is that it actually scans searches on different search engines to give you the lowest competition with the highest amount of search volume.

It also has real-time video analytics to help you understand how their videos are performing and make data-driven marketing decisions.

if you want to learn more about this new YouTube SEO tool, you read my Videly review.

And here you get Videly 75% OFF discount (not available on the official website)

4. Create an Attention-Grabbing Hook

Let’s go on to the next step, which is the perfect hook. Longer videos, as I previously said, tend to rank higher because they generate more overall watch time.

However, there’s a major flaw with this strategy. On the internet, you must keep someone’s interest. Fortunately, trial and error have shown me that if you could hook someone in the first 15 seconds to a video, you have them hooked for the rest of the video.

video hook

To optimize watch time, YouTube recommends focusing on the first 30 seconds of your video. The question is, how do you grab people’s attention in the first 30 seconds of your video?

Begin your video with the PPP formula. The PPP stands for preview, proof, preview. And this is how it works.

First, give a synopsis of your video. When I initially started making videos, my intros have rambled on and on about why the topic of the video was so essential.

And these long-winded introductions will drive people away. So today, I cut the fluff and tell them exactly what to anticipate.

Assume your video contains 10 paleo diet recommendations, you should begin the video by saying “In this video, you’ll learn 10 of my favorite paleo diet advice”, and that’s it.

Now it’s time for the proof. As proof that you can provide, stick that you’ve already completed, what the viewer desires, that you have a lot of experience in your profession, or that you’ve done a lot of research on your issue.

You can claim for example, that “These are the exact strategies I use to gain 5 pounds of muscle in 60 days”.

Finally, give them a sneak peek. Here’s another reminder of what your video is about.

You definitely don’t want to just repeat what you stated at that start so highlight anything particular from the video, such as advice, a detail from a case study, or that you’re about to reveal something completely new.

video intro

This will peak your viewer’s interest and make them want to keep watching.

For example, you may say, “Today, you’re going to learn about the extensively helpful paleo diet foods that are actually harmful to you”

5. Mention Your Primary Keyword In Your Video

Okay, now it’s time for ranking factor number 4, which is your video’s keyword. When I first started with video SEO, I’d go back and tweak previous videos for keywords I wanted to rank for, and it almost never worked.

This is due to the fact that Google and YouTube have AI algorithms that can listen to your videos even if they don’t have a transcript.

google and youtube listening

Assume you’ve recently published a video about healthy desserts, then after a few weeks, you realize that the keyword, “healthy desserts” is overly competitive, so you go back and optimize it for a different keyword, such as Low-carb desserts.

This appears to be a good idea, but is it as effective as it used to be?

Well, despite the fact that the keyword, Low-Carb desserts appear in your title, description, and tags, you never use it in the video.

YouTube is aware of this and it appears suspicious to YouTube that your video is about healthy suites, however, because your on-page metadata is all about low-carb desserts, they will not rank you for either keyword.

That’s why I make an effort to include my target keyword in every video.

6. Optimize For a Click Through Rate (CTR)

When somebody searches for something on YouTube, YouTube closely monitors the video they click on.

Assume you’re ranked 5th for your target keyword. As you are surely aware, videos rank 1 through 4 and receive the vast majority of clicks.

However, for some reason, a large number of people are clicking on your video in the search result.

What do you expect YouTube to think of your video? It’s a great result for that keyword and they’ll boost your video’s ranking to make it easier to find.

So how can you increase your click-through rate?

In the search results, YouTube displays 3 major pieces of information: your title, thumbnail, and a snippet of your description.

Here’s how to fast improve all 3 in terms of click-through rate.


The important feature of the thumbnail is that it sticks out. That is, you want to make a unique thumbnail that stands out from other videos. You can even try an entirely different style and color scheme than your competition for your thumbnail.


As previously said, you should include your target keyword only once. Aside from that, the goal of your title should be to maximize your click-through rate.

It’s a wonderful idea to make an emotionally appealing video title. I also give the current year to let people know that the information is still current.


Finally, in the first few lines of your description, you should write something engaging. The majority of people put a link to their website or channel here, which is a huge mistake.

Nothing looks less appealing than a link to someone’s website. Instead, write a compelling sentence or two that includes your target keyword.

Now, the strategies I’ve shown you thus far will assist you in naturally getting more user interaction.

However, there is still one simple technique that I employ in every video to increase user interaction.

7. Tell People To Like, Comment, and Subscribe

Next, you need to make sure that your YouTube videos have a call to action in them. You need to be getting people to subscribe for a reason that is not selfish.

You clicked on this article because you want to know how to rank YouTube videos fast. So now I’m going to tell you how to do that in future videos if you subscribe.

This is going to work best if you do it at the end. Remember, don’t have it be for a selfish reason, don’t have it be a sub for more content, and don’t have it be followed for more content.

It needs to be very specific to what that viewer wants, what that viewer is interested in.

After much trial and error, I discovered that this little suggestion greatly increases the number of likes that my videos receive.

YouTube wants to see that people are watching a video and interacting with it. The higher your video ranks on YouTube search results, the more people who watch, like, subscribe, and comment on it.

At the end of my video, I also urge viewers to subscribe and comment, which enhances the quantity of user engagement signals on my video.

And again, if you don’t know who your audience is on YouTube, you’re not going to be successful. The biggest YouTube creators, the most successful YouTubers really understand who is watching their videos, and you need to be the same exact way if you want to make Youtube shorts viral.

8. Promote Your YouTube Videos

The last tip to rank Youtube videos fast is to promote them.

Now I’m going to show you a simple and fast strategy to promote any of your YouTube videos for free in a way that will naturally trigger the algorithm to promote them even more.

And first of all, I want you to understand why promoting your videos on external platforms is so beneficial.

Do Promoting YouTube Videos Work?

So logically thinking, YouTube wants more users spending more time on their platform that’s why they reward you for high watch time and for making their users stay longer on their platform.

But they will reward you even more if you can also bring people from other platforms to their own and keep them engaged.

You’re basically getting them, free customers, from external websites, and that’s why YouTube loves it, and that’s why it will promote your channel even more if you get them external traffic.

Now normally, small YouTubers prefer to choose Facebook groups for promoting their videos and their channel in general.

But I can tell you that, that doesn’t necessarily work anymore. It worked maybe in 2016, but not today.

Those Facebook groups are full of spam and only with people trying to promote their videos.

No one in those Facebook groups actually watches what you have to offer. And even though it might get you a couple of views, it’s just not worth it, plus it won’t get you real targeted views that might become your long-term subscribers.

So, Facebook is no place to promote your channel. Rather than that, you can use this through different platforms.

Quora &

The first one is called and the second platform is called Quora. is visited by 8.3 million people every month, and Quora is visited by 500 million people.

And both are great for long-term promotion, and they’re great for attracting targeted eyeballs. So, both Answers and Quora websites, where people come to ask and answer specific questions.

You have all topics covered from weight loss all the way up to finance and business.

So, you have people asking and answering questions about how to lose weight, how to get a six-pack, and you have people asking how to make money, how to invest as a beginner, and more.

And you can use this to promote your videos and get clicks on a long-term scale because replies given on these forums rank high on Google.

Meaning that whenever someone searches for a specific question and answer from Quora or will most likely show up first. So just imagine how much passive traffic that is. Like millions of people search for questions on Google every day. And you have options for both.

You have two different options for both Quora and Answers.

And the first option is to just go to both platforms, and sign up for free. It’s really easy and simple, and it takes less than a minute. And then just search for questions related to your video.

So, if, for example, your video talks about how to start investing, just search for that question.

quora - how to start investing

If your video is about making money online, search for how to make money online. You want to find people that need solutions, which your video offers.

And after a bit of search, you will come across hundreds if not thousands of people asking that particular question. So, you can reply to those questions with some meaningful comments.

Don’t be spammy, and don’t just paste your link. Don’t just paste your video link immediately, but first of all, provide some value.

Start talking about the subject and at the end, just tell them:

“If you want to learn more about this topic, you can watch this free video I made”

Or something along those lines and just paste your video link.

Now, whoever is interested in this topic can look up this question and will be able to see your video link. And the more replies you leave on both of these websites, the higher your chances of getting more views you will have.


💡 Pro Tip

If you’re struggling to answer some of the questions that you would like to answer, you can use some of the AI writers like which has a template specifically created to answer Quora questions.

jasper ai quora

Recommended Reading: 16 ways to promote your YouTube channel for more views

9. Consider Running YouTube Ads to Promote Your Videos

YouTube ads are a form of paid advertising that allows you to promote your videos to a wider audience. When you run a YouTube ad, your video is displayed to users who are most likely to be interested in it, You can target people based on factors such as their location, demographics, and even viewing history.

To run a YouTube ad, you’ll need to create an AdWords account and set up a campaign. You’ll need to choose your target audience, budget, and other settings, and then create your ad using the AdWords video creation tool.

youtube ads example

Using YouTube ads is one of the easier ways to rank YouTube videos fast and reach a larger audience. However, it’s important to keep in mind that running ads can be expensive, so you’ll need to weigh the cost against the potential benefits.

Ranking YouTube Videos Fast in 2023 Wrapping Up

So this is how to rank Youtube videos fast in 2023.

Now, it’s up to you to decide which of these strategies from this guide you’ll try first.

Will you try to make longer videos or perhaps you’ll start optimizing your videos for clickthrough rate?

Please let me know right now by writing a comment below.

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YouTube Monetization Statistics: How Much You Can Make as YouTuber? Sat, 10 Sep 2022 06:43:19 +0000 FREE TRAINING Despite the fact that there are still a lot of people who do not think it is possible to generate money online, there are many success stories of individuals who have done so, and YouTube offers a variety ways through which one can earn money. But how much money can you make on […]

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YouTube Monetization Statistics: How Much You Can Make as YouTuber?

Despite the fact that there are still a lot of people who do not think it is possible to generate money online, there are many success stories of individuals who have done so, and YouTube offers a variety ways through which one can earn money.

But how much money can you make on YouTube? How much money can you earn per year?

Let’s take a closer look at key YouTube monetization statistics along with the number of money YouTubers earn.

youtube monetization statistics
Table of Contents

Top YouTube Monetization Statistics

  1. In the second quarter of 2022, YouTube’s global advertising sales were $7.34 billion USD, a 5% rise over the previous quarter.
  2. The actual prices that an advertiser pays range from $0.10 to $0.30 per view, with an average of $0.18 per view.
  3. A YouTube video with 1 million views may earn upwards of $5,000 using Forbes’ projected pay rate of $5 per 1,000 views.
  4. For every $100 an advertisement spends, Google pays the publisher $68 or 68% of its AdSense earnings.
  5. A million YouTube views will generate between $2,000 and $3,000 in ad income for you.
  6. According to a survey of six YouTubers, each 1,000 views is worth between $2 and $12.
  7. On YouTube, 88.4% of videos have fewer than 1,000 views, while fewer than 1% of videos receive more than 100,000 views.
  8. Less than 1% of all YouTube videos received more than 80% of all platform views.
  9. Sports viewing on YouTube is predicted to reach 90 million by 2025.
  10. The daily views of YouTube Shorts reach 15 billion.


What Percentage of YouTube Videos Get 1000 Views?

Less than 1,000 hits are received by 91% of all YouTube videos (Pex)

The experts have carefully examined the video platform and all pertinent elements. The number of uploads made by each user is the first step, and the retrieval of specific clips is the last.

A few fascinating results are presented here:

  • More than 90% of videos have less than 1,000 views.
  • Less than 10,000 views are obtained by 96.9% of all videos.
  • Less than 100,000 people have viewed 99.3% of all videos.


How Much Money Do 1000 Subscribers Make on YouTube?

Success attracts success when it comes to generating income from YouTube. You’ll discover that your first dollar is the most difficult to earn.

Your ad clickthrough rate will increase as you get more subscribers. And ultimately, you will earn more from AdSense as more people click on your ads.

A 1,000-subscriber channel would bring in between $10 and $300 per month (AdSense)

According to an estimate, once you reach 1000 subscribers you can expect to generate between $10 and $300 in monthly AdSense income. However, there are specific viewers that just have a higher value than others.

Additionally, if you have a highly desirable audience for advertising, you can wind up as a high-end outlier.

How Much Money Do 1000 Views Make on YouTube?

AdSense is a key source of income for YouTube. Simply said, YouTubers get compensated each time an ad is seen on their channel. However, rates differ between regions, populations, and YouTube niches.

AdSense often pays YouTube creators $3-5 per 1,000 views (AdSense)

YouTubers often earn between $3 and $5 for every 1,000 video views via AdSense. This may add up to a very nice salary for you if your channel is reaching a significant number of people.

For every 1,000 video views, a YouTuber can also earn roughly $5 (Forbes)

According to another estimate from Forbes, a top YouTuber may earn around $5 for every 1,000 video views that they get.

How Much Money Do 10k Subscribers Make on YouTube?

A YouTuber with 10,000 followers can get $200 per video (WebFX)

According to the statistics of WebFX, with 10,000 followers, a YouTuber can earn $200 for each video.

How Much Money Do 100k Subscribers Make on YouTube?

A YouTuber with 100,000 followers and two new videos posted each week may make between $600 and $1,000 (CreditDonkey)

According to an estimate, a YouTuber who posts two new videos per week and has 100,000 subscribers may earn between $600 and $1,000. This results in ad income of between $2,400 and $4,000 each month.

How Much Money Do 200k Subscribers Make on YouTube?

Having 200k followers, you may earn $4,000 each month (BeaconInside)

Ad income for 1000 users is $20 per month, which equates to $2000 for every 100,000 subscribers per month. With 200,000 followers, you may make up to $4000 per month from YouTube ad income in this way.

How Much Money Do 1 Million Subscribers Make on YouTube?

There are around 38 million YouTube channels, and the majority of them do not have even a million subscribers. On the platform, channels with a million subscribers or more may generate significant revenue.

A YouTuber with 1 million followers might make $6,000 to $10,000 a week at an average of $3 to $5 per 1,000 views (CreditDonkey)

By posting two videos each week, an active YouTuber having 1 million subscribers might earn between $6,000 and $10,000 per week if they get an average of $3 to $5 per 1,000 views. That amounts to a staggering ad income of $24,000 to $40,000 each month.

Hence, becoming an advanced influencer with 1 million subscribers leads to a quite profitable career. Although these are estimations, certain YouTubers may earn more or less based on the ad’s quality, click-through rate, and other YouTube monetization strategies such as:

How Much Do YouTubers Make Per Year?

For individuals with at least 1 million followers, the average annual pay for a YouTuber is $60,000 (Mint)

According to the information provided by Mint, the typical yearly income for a YouTube content creator with at least one million subscribers is sixty thousand dollars.

YouTube Monetization Stats Final Words

So these are the key YouTube monetization statistics. Although, the amount of money that will pay relies on a number of different criteria, such as the number of times that your video is seen, the number of times an advertisement is clicked, the quality of the advertisement, the number of users who block advertisements, and the duration of the video.

But, with video streaming on the increase and YouTube being one of the most renowned platforms for viewing videos, you may quickly earn much more than you ever imagined possible with the appropriate content and devotion to your audience.


sales funnel

Launch Profitable Sales Funnels

Every online business needs a repeatable and consistent sales process that converts their visitors into leads, customers, and advocates.

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3 Best Youtube Automation Courses in 2023 Wed, 17 Aug 2022 07:28:23 +0000 If you would like to start your YouTube automation channel but don’t know how to get started, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll look at the best YouTube automation courses that I personally completed. I’ll share with you what’s inside all of these courses, which course I liked the most, and which […]

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If you would like to start your YouTube automation channel but don’t know how to get started, you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll look at the best YouTube automation courses that I personally completed.

I’ll share with you what’s inside all of these courses, which course I liked the most, and which one is not worth your money.

Let’s get started.

1. Tube Mastery and Monetization 2.0

The first on the list of best YouTube automation courses is Tube Mastery and Monetization by Matt Parr AKA Make Money Matt who is doing really good with his 9 YouTube automation channels as well as his personal brand channel with over 300,000 subscribers.

matt parr youtube channel

This course was the best Youtube course that I have bought out of the three I cover later in this article.

Originally my plan was just to check out the course and I would take a refund if it wouldn’t be worth it because they have 60-day money-back guarantee.

But this course exceeded my expectations. The course was super organized, he doesn’t just tell you how to make money, he shows you step by step the exact roadmap of how to create a YouTube automation channel from start to finish.

Matt is showing how to build niche channels that are dedicated to certain types of content. And of course, you don’t need to be present on camera.

Here are some of the Tube Mastery and Monetization 2.0 modules:

Tube Mastery modules

As you can see all is well organized by categories.

But what I like about this course the most is the outsourcing module where he shows the same platforms, scripts, and standard operating procedures Matt uses to find, hire and train professional voice actors and video editors in his YouTube business.

Tube mastery scaling and outsourcing

What’s also cool is that if you implement the tactics you won’t have to wait a year to monetize your channel like the average person who creates a YouTube channel.

After implementing the tactics without showing my face, heck without even creating the videos myself because I get other people to create the videos for me I have another additional income stream.

But to be honest there were some strategies on how to start a channel or monetize it better that I already knew but most of them you’ll not find on YouTube from other gurus.

What about the results?

Well, by implementing Matt’s tactics I was able to get my channel monetized and generate income from ad revenue within the first 40 and crash it with Youtube affiliate marketing.

youtube affiliate commissions

It’s still a long way to go compared to Matt who runs as of now 9 YouTube automation channels and he’s making over $100,000 per month by using the strategies that he teaches.

▶ Check Out Tube Mastery and Monetization 2.0 (Free Training)

2. Bye 9 to 5 YouTube Monetization and Automation Program

The Bye 9 to 5 YouTube Monetization and Automation Program by Jordan Mackey is the second best YouTube automation course if you want to approach YouTube in a passive way without showing your face.

He covers YouTube channel basics like YouTube SEO, monetization, and video editing with tools like

There are also some more advanced tactics like avoiding copyright strikes from YouTube so you won’t get banned.

bye 9 to 5 youtube course video editing

Jordan’s course has been recently updated with a lot of new modules:

  • Passing monetization review
  • Video topic research
  • Creating and editing your videos
  • 7 SEO secrets and strategies
  • 8 additional monetization techniques

There are also lots of resources like a list of 200 YouTube niches

bye 9 to 5 youtube course resources

Overall, Bye 9 to 5 is a good Youtube automation course but he doesn’t dive deep as Matt in the new Tube Monetization 2.0.

But there are some really good out-of-the-box YouTube monetization strategies without ads which I implemented and they worked like a charm.

▶ Check Out Bye 9 to 5 YouTube Monetization and Automation Program (Free Training)

3. YouTube Fly Program

Is Youtube Fly Program a scam and overpriced hype or it’s a brilliant system that can actually help you build a real and sustainable online business?

Well, Dave Nick is a young entrepreneur with a big personal brand YouTube channel and he has been featured on many big media sources.

He has launched his biggest step-by-step system that claims to be teaching you how to grow fast on youtube and how to make big money from youtube channels by focusing on one single niche – finance.

He explains why the finance niche is so profitable at the moment, how to set it up, how to get videos done for you, and how to actually build your channel and earn money.

youtube fly course

Like the previous YouTube automation courses, it’s designed in a way that you start from zero and you build your channel with him. And by the time this training program is finished, you already have an established Youtube channel.

But what next?

Well, then Dave walks you through modules dedicated to how you can get any Youtube channel monetized in a few days using some Youtube growth hacks.

But to be honest, all of these methods he talks about are very risky like buying YouTube views which is against YouTube policy.

The only method that I found valuable from the entire course is buying already monetized YouTube channels on FameSwap which is a great strategy if you don’t want to build and grow your channel from scratch.

But the rest of the course is mediocre at best.

▶ Check Out YouTube Fly Program

Best YouTube Automation Courses Wrapping Up

So these are the best YouTube automation courses available online.

There best course overall is the Tube Mastery and Monetization 2.0 by Matt Parr which is hands down the best course on how to make money on YouTube.

The second best is Bye 9 to 5 YouTube Monetization and Automation Program by Jordan Mackey where you’ll find really great monetization strategies.

The YouTube Fly Program by Dave Nick is for you if you’re willing to experiment with some black hat YouTube strategies that might get you banned from the platform.

If there will be some new course worth buying, I’ll enroll it and update the article and let you know if it’s worth your money.

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YouTube Sponsorships For Small Channels in 2023 Sat, 11 Jun 2022 08:33:32 +0000 The rise of YouTube has given small channels a powerful new way to get their content seen by a wider audience. With the right sponsorship, small channels can build relationships with popular brands and create high-quality content that is promoted across the platform. Sponsorships are one of the best ways to monetize your YouTube channel […]

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The rise of YouTube has given small channels a powerful new way to get their content seen by a wider audience. With the right sponsorship, small channels can build relationships with popular brands and create high-quality content that is promoted across the platform.

Sponsorships are one of the best ways to monetize your YouTube channel even if you’re not even officially monetized.

So today, you’ll learn how to get YouTube sponsorships for your channel even if you have less than 1000 subscribers.

We’re going to talk about what are sponsorships and different types of sponsorships, how to know you’re ready for sponsorship, then what to charge for that sponsorship, and lastly pitfalls to avoid for sponsorships.

Let’s get started.

What is YouTube Sponsorship?

Sponsorship on YouTube is when a company pays you to include its product or service in your YouTube video. This is a financial transaction where usually cash is exchanged.

And the term sponsorships can get a little confusing because what if a company sends you a product for free?

Is that a sponsorship? No, that is a gift.

What if you’re a travel channel and a company hosts you at their resort? That isn’t technically a sponsorship, that’s just a hosted event.

Yes, there is some gifting or an exchange happening, but a lot of times that is free. But specifically in this article, when I’m talking about sponsorships, I’m talking about when a company pays you to talk about their product or service in your video.

How Can Company Sponsor Your Video?

There are lots of different ways that companies can sponsor your video. Companies can send you their product in exchange for a review.

There’s affiliate marketing, where you can talk about different products and you get paid for purchases that people have.

You can be hosted at the company an event or a hotel, and then of course there are paid sponsorships.

For this particular article, I am going to be talking only about YouTube paid sponsorships.

I personally don’t consider YouTube affiliate marketing to be a sponsorship, even though there is a relationship with that brand.

Specifically, when I talk sponsorships, I’m talking about the brand paying you money in exchange for you doing a video about their product or service.

So that leads me to my next point, which is the different types of YouTube sponsorships.

YouTube Sponsorship Types

There are 3 different types of YouTube sponsorships and depending on the type of sponsorship you’re doing, the amount that you’ll charge will be more or less.

1. Sponsored Mentions

These are very common, especially with bigger YouTube channels. Basically, you just do a little blurb saying this video is sponsored by.

Depending on the deal, it could be as simple as that, or you might go into detail about that company’s product or service.

But as far as the content of the video goes for sponsored mentions, it does not necessarily have to relate to that product or service at all.

2. Full Sponsorship

In this situation, the company will pay you to talk about their product or service for the entirety of the video. So for example, if you are a tech channel and you review all sorts of tech gear, a laptop company could send you a laptop to do a full review and sponsor a video all about their brand new laptop.

YouTube sponsored video example

In these types of videos, typically you won’t be mentioning any sort of competitor’s products or even comparing them or talking about anything else other than the product or service at hand.

3. Partially Sponsorship

This is where you create a video on a certain topic, but you only talk about the sponsor’s product or service for a few minutes.

For example, I could make a video about how to start a faceless YouTube channel where I could mention and talk about the Tube Mastery Course.

And then for that point, I would mention that they are sponsoring this portion of the video.

These types of sponsorships really flow with the video content. They don’t feel like they’re coming out of the sky, or you’re being constantly bombarded with sponsors.

There are pros and cons to each one of these Youtube sponsorship types but I wanted to make you aware of the different types that you can do.

When Your Channel is Ready For YouTube Sponsorship?

The next question that you might ask is how do I know I’m ready for a partnership with brands?

Technically, you can get a sponsorship at any time. You can get a sponsorship, even with zero subscribers. It’s not as common, but it definitely can happen, because here’s what brands care about when they’re looking to sponsor a channel or a video.

They’re looking for the content quality, they’re looking for the reach of your YouTube videos, and lastly, they’re looking at your content’s relevancy.

That being said, more serious brands are really looking for at least 2000 – 3000 views in a 30-day period for them to actually consider sponsoring your video.

So even if you’re a small YouTuber, you still can get brand deals, even with just 2000 to 3000 views per video or less.

So let’s say a brand is approaching you and you might be wondering; how much do I charge for YouTube sponsorship?

How Much To Charge For YouTube Sponsorship?

If you’ve never done a brand deal before, it can be really overwhelming because you just don’t know what are the YouTube sponsorship rates and what is the baseline.

You may not have other people in your industry or other YouTubers that you can ask around so you can get a baseline.

If you’re just getting started with YouTube sponsorship, you’re in a bad position when it comes to negotiating with brands.

But luckily for you, I have there are a few amazing websites at helping you know your worth and know how much to charge for YouTube sponsorship.

YouTube Sponsorship Websites

Here are some of the best YouTube sponsorship websites:

I personally recommend BuzzGuru because, with this influencer marketing platform, you’ll be able to determine how much you should be charging for brand deals.


And not only just on YouTube but on your other social media platforms as well, like Instagram and TikTok.

BuzzGuru is your one-stop-shop for all things brand sponsorships. I think the biggest feature is that you can go in and you can connect your YouTube channel.

It’s going to look at your subscribers, your views, your reach, and your engagement, and it’s going to total all of those things up, and then it’s going to calculate how much you should be charging for a sponsored YouTube video.

Tips on How To Get a YouTube Sponsor

My last point is that brand deals and sponsorships on YouTube are so important. You want to make sure that you listen to this because these are pitfalls that you want to avoid when working with brands.

1. Be Realistic

When you’re looking for a sponsor for your YouTube channel, be realistic. It’s our tendency to think that we are worth so much more than we are, but you want to really stick with these numbers on the influencer marketing platforms because these are tried and true.

And just remember, it’s a starting place. You can go up from there, especially as you have more brand deals and more proof to show to future brands under your belt.

2. Avoid Unfair Deals

Another thing you want to avoid are companies that will send you their product in exchange for you doing an entire video, all about their product.

There are plenty of companies that are kind of shady and there’s nothing in it for you. They are just looking for easy ways to get reviews for their product. And this could end up hurting your channel in the long run, especially if it’s a totally random product that doesn’t relate to your channel or your audience at all.

I know when you get these emails when you’re first starting out, it’s super exciting because someone’s finally paying attention.

YouTube sponsorship email

Most of the time, these are just mass spam emails that they’re sending to hundreds of YouTubers, and they’re just hoping that someone will take the bait and do all the hard work for them.

3. Be Selective in the Brands You Choose

Another pitfall with sponsorships is doing a sponsorship with a company or a product that you don’t believe in. Maybe you’ve never even tested or tried the product out. They’re paying you a ton of money, or you just don’t like the product.

You will lose trust with your audience that way, especially if you’re doing it over and over and over again. You need to be selective in the products and the brand deals that you do end up choosing.

4. Prepare a YouTube Sponsorship Contract

A lot of new YouTubers that are having sponsorships are just trusting the brand to do everything for them, and that’s where you can get in a lot of trouble.

That’s where you’re going to end up where you’re not going to get paid, where you’re going to kind of get screwed over sometimes. So you absolutely want to avoid that.

And so that’s why it’s really important that you have your own contracts for sponsorships if you do YouTube sponsorship deals outside influencer marketing platforms. Having a contract will make everything super clear.

The timeline of deliverables, when you’re going to get paid, who owns what?

You want to make sure that you have that for every single brand deal. Please do not go into a brand deal without a contract. It’s just going to be bad news. Protect yourself before you even get started.

YouTube Sponsorship Final Words

In conclusion, YouTube sponsorship can be a great way to promote your brand or product. It can help you reach a new audience and grow your business. However, it’s important to do your research and choose the right sponsor for your channel. Choose someone who is a good fit for your audience and who you can trust to help you grow your business.

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+7 YouTube Growth Hacks That Will 10X Your Channel in 2022 Wed, 25 May 2022 09:17:43 +0000 YouTube is a great platform for content creators to share their videos with the world. However, it can be difficult to grow a successful channel on YouTube. This article provides 7 YouTube channel growth hacks and strategies that will help you rank your videos fast. And at the end of this article as a bonus, […]

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YouTube is a great platform for content creators to share their videos with the world. However, it can be difficult to grow a successful channel on YouTube.

This article provides 7 YouTube channel growth hacks and strategies that will help you rank your videos fast.

And at the end of this article as a bonus, I’ll also show a YouTube monetization strategy that will help you monetize your channel from day one.

Let’s get started.

1. YouTube Video Performance Booster

The first YouTube channel growth strategy I want to show you is one simple trick that I use every single time I publish a new video on my faceless YouTube channels in order to boost its performance.

Now, this is really important for like the first 60 minutes after going public.

After that, it won’t have the same effect because YouTube takes the first hour to see how people respond to the video. And if people respond well, YouTube will keep promoting the video and it will get more views.

So, to boost your video in the first 60 minutes, here’s what you can do.

And as soon as you publish the video, just log out of your main channel and log into some other Google accounts. If you don’t have any, you will have to create them first. w

It’s free to create as many YouTube channels as you like so just create a couple of them. The more, the better, and of course the more the better response you will have. But even 5 accounts are still enough.

Then once you log into some other channel, go to the YouTube search bar and search for that keyword you have in the title; the keyword you just copied.

Once you’ve searched for it, just filter your search by the last hour.

youtube filters last hour

And what that will do is that will show you your latest video that was published just a moment ago.

Now, before you click on it, I want you to do the same thing in 2 more tabs.

So, open up two more tabs on your browser and do the same thing. Search for your video and filter by the last hour.

After that click on your video from all the 3 different browsers, and this way you will instantly boost your rankings for that keyword as well as your click-through rate.

And considering the fact that it’s happening during the first hour of publishing, this will have a major impact on your performance.

Once you open up the video 3 times, just leave it playing in the background.

You can set the speed to 2 times just to save some time.

youtube playback speed

You don’t have to actually watch the video; you don’t have to actively be there and watch it.

Leave it playing in the background just to boost your watch time.

And finally, just start leaving the likes, maybe share your video on social media and leave a comment.

And I want you to do this exact same thing from at least 5 different accounts, from 5 different YouTube channels.

Search for your video in the first hour, open it, watch it until the end, like it, share it and comment on it.

That way, you are tremendously boosting the top 3 most important factors for growing, plus, you will boost your ranking score, so you will improve your CTR, watch time engagement, and rankings all from a single trick.

And I personally can’t even imagine publishing a single video on a new channel without doing this because it’s so easy, but it has a really big effect on your video performance.

Now, will you have to do this all the time?

Not, of course. This works a lot better for smaller channels so use this when starting out, when you’re still struggling for views, and after you’re already established, you have some subscribers, then this will go organically.

Other people will do it so you don’t have to. So that’s a simple trick to boost your video views in the first hour. So, it’s important to do this only in the first 60 minutes after publishing the video. It’s free, it’s easy and it’s super effective.

2. The Breakdown Method To Boost YouTube Watch Time

This YouTube growth hacking trick will show you how you can boost your watch time and how to maximize your view retention to prove the algorithm you can keep the viewer on their platform so they can promote your videos to a wider audience.

And this method is called The Breakdown Method. In most cases, if you just go with your video without any key points, viewers will either get bored or lost and will click off.

But to improve your watch time, just use the breakdown method and break down your video into multiple parts.

For example, you can start with part number 1, then reveal something.

Part number 2, reveal more of your video and repeat until the end.

You can create a list of steps, parts, features, how-to tips and tactics, and much more.

That way the viewer feels like they’re making progress with your video.

It’s easier for them to follow you and they will be more likely to stay longer. It gives the pace of your video high-end; the viewer knows you’re always sharing something new in the next key point, and they will be more likely to stay on your video.

This is really, really powerful in videos where I’ve used this strategy; have way higher watch time than the rest of them on my channel so it’s proven to work.

And as I said earlier, watch time is one of the most important factors when it comes to growing on YouTube.

The algorithm just appreciates the watch time like nothing else.

So, create a list of things you want to say in your video, and just break it down into pieces to keep the viewer longer on your video and to keep him hopefully until the end.

3. YouTube Engagement Booster

As I said, engagement is one of the most important factors for getting views, so now, I want to teach you a simple tactic to get a higher engagement properly.

And that is to simply create a call-to-action in the first 60 seconds of your video.

So, in the first minute of your video, just ask your viewer to leave a like and comment in appreciation, or even better tell them your specific goal for that specific video is to hit 1000 likes or 100 likes – whatever your goal is.

Here is a great example starting at 2:16 of the video.

Just be realistic and believe it or not, that helps so much. I’ve used this strategy countless times and it always worked, or at least it boosted my likes a little bit.

And the reason you want to ask for like, rather than for a subscription is that YouTube values likes more than subscriptions.

It’s better to get more likes because that will make the algorithm promote your video.

So rather than wasting your viewer’s energy by asking them to subscribe, simply ask them to leave a like on your video to help you out.

It’s a simple thing, but quite effective. And the reason you want to ask them this in the first 60 seconds is that average viewer retention is less than 30%, so you want them to at least leave some engagement before they click off of your video.

And right after that, just ask them some questions related to the video topic and tell them to leave a comment as well.

You can say “leave a comment down below”, and you will reply to the fastest ones.

That way, you are making them engage far more, and if you also start replying to some of their comments, they will make them comment even more and it will make them come back earlier, competing who’s going to comment faster to get a reply or a heart from you.

So, it’s a fun way of engaging with your community, and that way they will also help you grow faster and get discovered by more people so it’s a win-win.

The way I do it, for example, is when I talk about softwares I promote, I will ask my audience at the end of the video something like that:

“Now it’s your turn. Which tool from today’s guide do you want to try first? Let me know in the comments below!”

You can, of course, think of your own unique way of engaging with your viewers and just ask them to leave their thoughts in the comment section.

💡 Pro Tip: Tell Them To Comment on a Specific Keyword

Now, another great way you can boost your engagement as well as the rankings through your comments is by telling them to comment on a specific keyword, what you want to rank for.

Because oftentimes people don’t know what to say in the comments.

If I, for example, want to rank for investing, I would say something like this in my video; if you want more videos on how to invest for beginners, type investing in the comment section or any other keyword that they want to rank for.

That way, you will improve your engagement rate, but on top of that, YouTube will see that people are commenting on that specific keyword repeatedly in your comment section so it will most likely show it to more people interested in that specific topic.

So, it’s a great strategy to boost your video views, and it takes you not more than 20 seconds to ask for like, and just think of a unique way of asking for a specific comment.

It might seem odd, but it works really, really well, and I assure you, it will help you remarkably.

4. YouTube Comment Booster

In this quick lecture, I just want to show you a simple trick, which you can add to your videos to make people comment more and boost your engagement.

This is something that I saw from other big YouTubers. The strategy is called the Easter Egg.

In order to make your audience more entertained so they stay longer and they don’t feel bored by your videos, you should always add at least one Easter egg to your videos or just create a simple twist.

For example, in 99% of his videos, Graham Stephan says, what’s up guys, it’s Graham here. And people got used to it.

So what he does and what he did was brilliant and he used the Easter egg strategy, which he also talked about in his podcast, and he basically just switched a few words and made a funny mistake on purpose where he says “What’s up Graham, it’s guys here.”

And this immediately triggered responses from his audience, getting him thousands of comments, mentioning that part.

In fact, there is even a t-shirt from this that’s available on RedBubble.

So not only did he grab viewers’ attention in the first 5 seconds, but he also got a lot of them to leave a comment, ultimately making his engagement rate grow way, way higher.

And this is something that you can add to your videos as well. Add some quick Easter eggs that seem innocent, but will make people comment about it.

What you can do is either misspell some words on purpose or just show some words on the screen for a second.

So, whatever is unusual for your videos, you can add it to make people comment about it.

So, Graham definitely did a nice job with that and made a lot of people comment. Once again, from time to time, just add some Easter eggs to your videos to make people engage more.

5. Go Viral on YouTube By Replicating Success

Now, we will go over how you can make your video go viral by replicating other people’s success. This is a really simple and easy way of getting a lot of views, which is becoming more and more popular nowadays because it works pretty well.

And now there are two different ways you can do this.

1. Find Trending YouTube Videos in Your Niche

The first option is to go over to YouTube and just search for your niche, search for the keyword in our niche.

So, let’s say for example, I’m going to type in “how to make money online”.

And then to find viral videos that have been published recently, just click on the filter button and filter your search by view count.

youtube filters view count

You can also filter your search by either this week or this month so that’s going to give you videos that have been published recently and are getting a lot of views.

So, for example, this video right here got 90,000 views, and the channel has 13,000 subscribers.

make money online video

So, it’s proven that this video is going viral, it’s getting more views, and those views are not coming from subscribers.

So, this video stands out and it’s something that I can replicate in order to get more views myself.

And once you find a video that is getting more views than usual and has been published less than a month ago and is getting more views than they have subscribers, you can just open it up, you can see what they’re talking about in the video.

You can make a similar video to this one, create a similar title and course, don’t just copy and paste the entire video and the title and everything because this will not work.

But if you make a similar title, make a similar video, make a similar description, make a similar thumbnail, then you stand a really high chance of getting views yourself because this is currently the hot topic.

And as well, if this video is already getting a lot of views, and your video is similar, you would probably end up in the recommended page, so all of the views coming to this video will be able to see yours as well.

And this is a really good way you can replicate someone’s success and get a lot of views quickly. This is how many of my videos actually went viral.

2. Replicate Popular Videos of Big YouTubers

And the second way you can do this is to find many big YouTube channels in your niche, open them up, go to their videos, sort by most popular and just replicate their most popular videos that already got a lot of views.

most popular videos

For example, on Kevin David’s channel, he has loads of videos that got over a million views so if you replicate at least some of his videos, you should be able to get decent results as well if that’s your niche.

Of course, you can’t expect to get millions of views instantly. It doesn’t work like that.

But even if you get a 10% of that, even if you get a portion of that, it’s still good. You are still getting some views onto your channel and you are growing quickly.

And once you found that video that is going viral, that is getting a lot of views and you have created a similar one with a similar title description, tags, and thumbnails.

6. Get on YouTube Recommended Page

Now I’ll share with you a trick you can use to boost your chances of getting on the YouTube recommended page and take some of the views of big YouTubers.

This YouTube growth hack has been used by Morgz who was able to grow his channel to millions of subscribers by replicating MrBeast viral videos.

First, open up the video with a lot of views, click the share button.

youtube share video

Copy that, go to your edit page, open up your video details and in the description at the bottom of your description, just add this inspired by thing.

So, you want to type in inspired by, then leave the channel name, and below that, just paste the video link.

youtube inspired by

And that way, YouTube will see that you have their name in your description so they will notice the tag, they will notice those keywords, and they will also notice the link that takes to that specific video that is going viral and is similar to yours.

So, they will know that your video and their video is really similar. And if their video is getting a lot of views, you can now end up on their recommended page where those viewers can also see your video, click on your video since they’re interested in that.

It’s proven that they are clicking on that type of thumbnail, that type of title, and they’re watching that type of video, so they should click on your video as well.

And if you didn’t copy the entire video, then they should watch it until the end.

Because if you copy the entire video, obviously they’re not going to watch it once again, they will click off and this strategy will be unsuccessful.

So, you can’t just copy and paste the exact same title, you can’t just copy and paste the exact same video, but make something unique and similar to the video that is already going viral.

And that’s exactly how Morgz was able to grow his channel to millions by replicating MrBeast viral videos.

He knew that if he replicates a video that is currently hot and is getting a lot of views, he should also get at least a portion of that.

7. Get Targeted Views

Now, I want to show you how you can use a paid tool to get targeted views and rank YouTube videos fast.

So, this is obviously not about buying fake views or whatsoever, but it’s simply by promoting your videos and your channel through YouTube display ads.

So, this way, YouTube will just prioritize your channel when people search for keywords in your niche, and that’s how you will be getting views.

And now, you can either go directly to official YouTube ads and run them yourself or you can create a simple campaign using Sprizzy, where you can pretty much get everything done for you.

So, with this tool, you can make your videos go viral. Their platform is simple and easy to use.

They put your video in front of the right audience to ensure that your video is seen.

So, they will get you in front of the targeted audience that is interested in your niche which means that if you’re promoting something in your videos, you have higher chances of getting signups and maybe even sales, get big results with even the smallest budget.

And the minimum budget is $50. Here’s how you can grow your YouTube videos and your channel fast with them.

First, we will tell them who should see our video. We will give them keywords, and we can also describe the names of YouTube channels whose subscribers would like to be targeted.

So, we can target subscribers of specific YouTube channels. So, we can find successful YouTube channels, talking about any niche, and we can target their audience because it’s proven that they’re interested in that topic so they will be more likely to click on our video as well. So, it’s a really good tool.

Then they will grab their attention through YouTube ads targeting users searching for your keywords and the fans of similar channels.

It will only get you real targeted views, no fake views, and no fake engagement. So, to get views and subscribers in a real engagement, the viewers targeted in the promotion will naturally find your video interesting and can like, comment, and subscribe to your channel if they want to.

So once again, it’s not about fake views. They will just prioritize your videos when someone searches for a video in your niche or watch a video, your channel might pop up on the recommended page or as an ad running on the video.

So you just create an account and once you log in, it will take you over to this page where you can start optimizing your campaign in order to start growing your YouTube channel.

sprizzy start campaign

Then you just select your YouTube channel, paste a link to the video which you want to promote in the box.

And once it loads, it will take you over to the next page where you will need to configure your ad.

sprizzy ad configuration

And it’s going to ask you, what is your primary goal, targeted language, country, keywords, budget, and video ad type.

Then, let Sprizzy create the ad for you. You can optionally write your own ad if you want to, but they’ll do it professionally, so I would leave it like that.

And that’s how you can optionally use Sprizzy to promote your YouTube videos and grow your channel.

Bonus: Youtube Monetization Growth Hack

This YouTube growth hack will help you monetize your channel in less than a single day. So in a single day, you can get a monetized channel and already you can start making money from the start.

So the way you can do that is by buying monetized channels. And I’m going to show you how you can get them for really cheap.

For instance, I bought this YouTube channel with almost 190,000 subscribers, which is already monetized for $3,500 which is just insane.

fameSwap bought channel

So it is a high price, but it’s a big channel. I’m going to show you how you can find even cheaper channels with less subscribers, but they’re still monetized, which means you can make money on YouTube from the start.

This channel, since it has almost 190,000 subscribers has no videos right now because I deleted all of the videos, but as soon as they start posting those new videos, I hope that in the next 7 days, I can bring it back to $50-100 a day. And in less than a month, I can get a huge return on this investment.

So the way you can find cheap monetized YouTube channels is by going over to FameSwap. So you can come over here, and you can sign up for their absolutely free account and filter by YouTube accounts.

fameswap YouTube

And that’s going to give you all of these different accounts that have been listed for sale.

So you can see a different prices. People are looking for $500 for a 30,000 subscribers channel.

But you want to make sure that channel is actually monetized. The way you can do so is by opening up one of those channels.

For example, this channel is a song channel that has the right to receive monetization but it must first meet the conditions in order to achieve it.

fameswap non monetized channel example

So it’s not monetized and I highly recommend you run away from those types of types of channels, you don’t want to buy a non-monetized channel.

You only want to buy monetized channels, because that means that you can make money from the start.

So here is a channel for $17,000 subscribers selling for $220.

fameswap non monetized channel example

That’s a really good price for a monetized channel, especially if it has over10,000 subscribers so it already has a built in audience for you.

And in the description, you can see this channel has no YouTube copyright strikes, which is also really important.

And once you find a YouTube channel that it has monetization enabled, you can send them an offer on how much you want to pay them.

And if the seller accepts your offer, they will send their YouTube channel to the middleman which is of course FameSwap.

And then if we both agree, FameSwap will release the channel to me and they will give $500 to the seller. That’s how you can not get scammed.

So always use a middleman. Don’t let these guys tell you to go off of FameSwap and then tell you to pay first because in that case, you will most likely get a scam.

So be aware you only want to make it transactions with an actual middleman in order to have everything legit.

This is an optional step, you don’t have to buy YouTube channel if you don’t want to, but it’s a great way to save some time and start making money from the start. You can buy it on all of the established YouTube channel with already built in audience that is ready to watch your video.

And if it’s also monetized, then great. You can start making money the same day you log in into your YouTube channel from ads.

YouTube Growth Hacks Final Words

In conclusion, by following these YouTube channel growth hacks in this article, you can help your channel grow and develop into a successful business.

And always remember to keep in mind YouTube basics like optimizing for YouTube SEO, keeping your content fresh, interesting, and engaging, and using the tools and resources available to you to optimize your channel for success.

Thanks for reading!

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How To Get 1000 Subscribers on YouTube [15 Tips & Strategies For 2023] Mon, 02 May 2022 07:26:48 +0000 Are you putting so much work into your YouTube channel and you’re still struggling to get your first 1000 subscribers? Well, never fear, because today, I’ll share with you 15 tips that you can implement right now to help you get 1000 subscribers on YouTube, just a little bit faster. So, whether you are a […]

The post How To Get 1000 Subscribers on YouTube [15 Tips & Strategies For 2023] appeared first on

Are you putting so much work into your YouTube channel and you’re still struggling to get your first 1000 subscribers? Well, never fear, because today, I’ll share with you 15 tips that you can implement right now to help you get 1000 subscribers on YouTube, just a little bit faster.

So, whether you are a new YouTuber who just started out or you have been on the YouTube train for a long time, I know that these tips are going to help you get your first 1000 subscribers and rank your YouTube videos fast.

According to statistics, as a 1,000-subscriber channel you could bring in between $10 and $300 a month.

But if you haven’t reached 1000 subscribers yet but want to monetize your channel, make sure to check this guide to make money on YouTube without monetization.

So, let’s get started.

1. Improve YouTube Click-Through Rate

The click-through rate is a method that measures the numbers your videos are getting and represents the percentage of people that decided to click on your video after seeing it on YouTube.

So if your video shows up on someone’s recommended page, along with other similar videos from other channels, and the person decides to click on your video instead of the, instead of someone else’s, they will instantly boost your click-through rate and it will send a signal to the algorithm that people would rather watch your videos.

You can check your CTR inside of the YouTube studio and the average CTR for a good performing video is around 6 to 10%.

YouTube analytics CTR

Everything above that will probably make a video go viral.

And the best way to increase YouTube CTR is to create engaging video thumbnails and write compelling video titles and more about it later.

Remember, it doesn’t matter how great your video is, if nobody clicks on it, nobody is going to watch it. So the first metric that you should be watching and tracking and continuing to figure out how to make better is your clickthrough rate. And you can find that in your analytics for every single video.

2. Optimize Audience Retention

The next piece in the YouTube Trifecta is your Audience Retention. Now, YouTube is going to put your video out to people and your first step is to get them to click on it. But that second step is to prove to YouTube you have good content by getting people to watch as much as possible of that video.

So, let’s say somebody clicks on your video and they only watch 10 seconds of your video because you didn’t excite them or give them a reason to keep watching, YouTube is not going to keep pushing that content and putting your video invaluable real estate of their platform because even though people are clicking on it, they’re only watching 10 seconds.

if you look at the analytics of each one of your videos you can see the audience retention graph of where people are watching your video and where they are dropping off.

youtube audience retention

So if you see on your graph That let’s say at 1:54 of your video 70% of people are clicking off of the video that tells you something at that point is turning them away from your video so watch your video at that point figure out what is happening at that exact second to make 70% of people click off of your video

So, you need to be studying your audience retention graphs of every single video to figure out what kind of hook worked best, what kind of style or video worked best, which videos are keeping people watching longer and double down on those videos.

3. Take Advantage of End Screens

End Screen Click Through rate is something that so many people I see miss out on. So, in the last 20 seconds, you can actually have a clickable video on the end screen and get people to watch another video of yours.

youtube end screen

YouTube loves this because you are creating a binge session. If you can get people to click on your video, get them to watch to the end and watch another video.

This way your video and your channel become much more valuable to YouTube so they’re going to start putting your video on the homepage on the suggested because you got people to click, you got them to watch to the end and you got them to watch another video.

So, what you should think about when you are filming your videos is how can I send somebody to that next video? If you are watching a particular video, what’s going to make sense for you to watch next.

And then tell them in your video to click the video that’s on their screen next to watching a video about a similar topic.

You can also leave links in your YouTube description.

youtube description links

Once you continue to improve these three metrics, you’re going to see that growth, and this is when you’re going to be easily able to hit that first 1000 subscribers on your channel.

4. Optimize Your Homepage

Having a nice YouTube channel homepage helps you get people to subscribe and binge-watch content on your channel.

One of the first things that you need to have on your channel homepage to really help drive subscribers is your channel banner.

And what I suggest having in your channel banner is give them your value proposition. What is your channel going to do for them? What value are you going to provide for them?

If you can become that go-to spot for your audience and publish it on your channel banner, that’s the best way to start getting subscribers.

You can also let them know that you’re publishing new videos every single week as you can see in this example.

youtube channel banner

That’s going to give them more incentive to subscribe as well, because if they enjoy your value proposition, then they’re going to want to subscribe to know what you’re publishing every single week.

The next thing that you can do to really give people an idea of what your channel is about to get them to subscribe is to create customized sections which could be playlists that you can create.

And as they scroll through your page, they’re able to see exactly what they’re going to get in further detail to give them a reason to subscribe.

So, the way that you can just do this is you want to come up to this blue button, hit the “customize channel”, and you can start to add your featured sections.

As far as a channel trailer, there are two different things that you could do. You could create a specific channel trailer to feature there, depending on what your YouTube goals are.

If your goal is to get a certain amount of subscribers or a certain amount of views, or watch time, you would want to put the video here that meets your most goals.

So, if my goal was to drive subscribers, I would pick a video that does the best at converting new viewers into subscribers. So, I’d go into my analytics and find the video that got me the most subscribers and feature it right on the homepage.

So that’s how you’re really going to start customizing your homepage to get that first 1000 subscribers.

5. Create Compelling Titles

The next tip is a special combination that will help you create compelling titles. The best way to grow a channel on YouTube is to turn views into subscribers. But of course, to get views, you need to get clicks on your videos.

That is, you need to find a way for your videos to be shown on different pages in recommendations or in search, and make sure that viewers want to click on your videos.

And here is what this combination looks like.

Add a keyword to the title to get clicks, plus a keyword to get views from the search.

Many people may call the keyword for clicks, a clickbait, but I don’t consider it a clickbait if you give the information that you stated in the title.

That is, I can call the video “How to lose weight, my guide”.

Or I can change it and call it “How I lost 20 pounds in a month”

So, the idea is that you come up with a title and creatively modify it. Create several variations of this title and choose the best one.

And the second keyword in the title is less for clicks, but more for ranking in search. Thus, half of your title gets views from the main page and from recommendations in general, and the other half pins the video in the search and gets views from there.

6. Tell Your Subscribers What Your Channel is About

The next tip that can really help your channel is telling the viewers what they subscribe to, and what your channel is about.

In almost every video now, YouTubers say something like “subscribe to my channel, make the red button gray”, but very few people say exactly what viewers should subscribe to.

At the stage of channel development, it is really important to say this because it will help you to attract exactly the target audience.

Say something like:


“Hi, my name is John, and you are on the channel about cool gadgets. Subscribe to the channel so you won’t miss all the reviews and unboxing videos.”

That is, you not only ask them to subscribe, but also explain to them what they will get in return.

And this is very important in attracting the target audience. If you get views from people who are not interested in your other videos, your channel will die quite quickly. Creating channels about everything at the same time is very bad.

And when you say what your channel is about at the beginning of your video, you’re more likely to get a viewer who will watch your other videos as well.

7. Respond To Comments

One thing I often notice is comments that are left without a like, without a heart, without an answer, and sometimes they’re not noticed at all.

If you have a small channel and some person decides to take the time and write a detailed comment under your video and nothing happens in response, he will just feel superfluous and he will probably lose a desire to interact with your other videos.

At the start, pay attention to each person who decides to take the time and write a comment under your video.

Like these comments, respond, communicate, you are building your community. When you like their comments, they will get a notification that they were liked. They will go back and start interacting with your other videos.

And do not respond to every comment: thank you or something general like that.

Give a detailed answer, start communicating. It will also help you better understand real people, rather than just seeing a number on the screen.

And one more tip for comments, leave comments under the videos of popular YouTubers from your niche.

And it is very important to note, do not write comments like, I am a new YouTuber, check out my channel and subscribe.

This does not only annoy many people and does not bring any benefit to the creator, but also if someone goes to your channel and subscribes to it, they will not watch your other videos because they subscribe for the wrong reason.

Leave valuable comments to the video that constructively criticize and benefit the creator and others, and then you will collect more likes and your comment will rise to the top.

8. Share Your Subscribe Link

The next tip that I have is to start sharing the link to your channel but use a customized subscribe link.

It’s a formula that you are going to share on your Instagram, on your Facebook, even on your email signature, that when they click on that to go to your YouTube channel, they’re going to be asked if they want to subscribe to your channel.

So, whenever you’re speaking, maybe on a podcast you can have that specific subscribe link shared so that when people go check out your channel, they’re also instantly asked if they want to subscribe.

9. Promote Your Channel

The next way to grow your subscribers is along the same lines, but you’ve got to talk about your channel. Unfortunately, it’s not going to be, if you build it, they will come. When you put up a YouTube video, it’s not like you’re going to instantly get subscribers, so use your current base that you have.

So, if you have an email list, if you have an Instagram, if you have a Facebook or a Snapchat or a TikTok, talk about it.

And don’t just talk about your YouTube channel once. Continue to talk about it, share behind the scenes of filming your video, share when you’ll post a new video, and share comments on one of your videos.

I like to send my email list an email every single week. And in that email, I give them a brief synopsis of what my brand-new video is about and link to that video that’s constantly reminding them that I have this YouTube channel and I remind them to subscribe in the email newsletter as well.

A pro tip here is if you’re planning out your content for Instagram or on Facebook, always remember to plan some promo for your YouTube channel. Let your people know and remind them that they need to go subscribe, and why subscribing is really going to benefit them.

10. Have a Content Library

A content library gives your channel momentum because you’ll not struggle with YouTube video ideas and continually have more and more videos that people have an opportunity to watch.

I know for my channel, this was really key because the more videos that I kept putting out there, it was just more opportunities for my views to go up and my subscribers to go up.

So instead of having just a handful of videos, I had a library of videos of 10 or 15 videos that people, when they came on to my channel, they could find, and then they could start binge-watching.

This not only will increase the number of views on my channel, but also increase the likelihood that someone is going to subscribe to my channel because if someone watches one video and then they watch another video and another video, it’s most likely that they’re interested in my content and they like it.

When you are first starting out, it’s really important to have a library of videos that people can choose from.

Not only they can see that you’re not just a brand-new YouTuber who doesn’t have a lot to offer, but you actually do have a lot to offer.

So again, having a consistent upload schedule with a number of videos per week will help you get there.

But if you first launch your channel, you could just launch with 4 videos within the first few days, so that way you have a handful of videos that people can start out watching, and then you can start gaining more momentum.

11. Double Down on Videos That Are Working

Once you have a few videos out there, you are going to start to find that some videos are performing way better than other videos.

So, if you have 10 videos on your channel and the majority of them have a hundred or less views, but one of your videos has 1000 views or 5,000 views, that is an indicator that, that video is something that people are interested in.

So, you should then make more videos related to that topic. Since people are already finding and watching that video, that has a lot of views, this gives people something to watch next that is in that same category.

So again, it’s going to increase watch time on your channel, but then people will see, oh, this person has a lot of content on this topic, I’m going to subscribe.

12. Stay Consistent

Sometimes you are not going to want to film YouTube videos, but you just have to do it. If you want to stick to your consistent upload schedule and start getting content out there, you have to do it even when you don’t want to.

So going back to having that schedule is really key because it’s going to force you to get your act together and film and edit and upload videos, because you have to.

You have already established and communicated to your audience that you’re going to do one video a week so you need to follow through with that and do one video per week, whether you want to or not.

Just getting in this mindset of, yes, I do videos every week, I’m going to record videos, which viewers are going to appreciate and potential subscribers will see, and they will notice and they will want to subscribe.

13. Understand Your Target Audience

This tip is all about knowing who you’re talking to, and what are they struggling with. And it comes down to choosing the right YouTube niche.

So specifically, for me, a lot of my audience is business owners and digital marketers, and they’re probably on Facebook or on Instagram, and they’re not worried about growing a YouTube channel.

So, for me, it’s going to be more important to talk about how to tie in their content to YouTube to make their process simpler.

So, on my channel, I talk about business software because I understand that my audience has very limited time on their hands to research different options for their businesses.

So if I can show them how YouTube is really going to save them time, that’s how I can drive more subscribers to my channel.

And remember, we don’t need to talk to everybody. Just know if you stay very specific to who you’re talking to and build content around them, that’s how you’re going to make that connection, and that’s how you’re going to gain subscribers.

14. Collaborate With Other YouTubers

When you have less than 1000 subscribers, most likely your content and your personality are not reaching that many people.

When you collaborate with someone who has a similar audience or is in a similar industry as you, it opens up a brand-new opportunity for people who are potentially interested in your content to see you, like you, and subscribe to your channel.

These people may be really devoted to the YouTuber that they’re subscribing to, but because they were essentially endorsed by this YouTuber and you were featured in their video or vice versa, it allows them to see and be exposed to your content and realize, “Hey, I actually really like this person too, I’m going to subscribe”

So, if there is another person in your industry or in your niche that you know would be a great fit for your audience or vice versa, definitely reach out to that other YouTuber and propose a collaboration, because it’s not only going to benefit you, but it’s going to benefit them as well.

15. Record YouTube Live Streams

Quite individual advice, but I think it can help many channels at the start. I will say this, making live streams does not have a direct impact on the algorithm if your main content is not live streams.

But live streams help to build a real relationship with your audience. People begin to really feel like they’re a part of the community.

And also, do not forget that live streams also get recommended by YouTube and new people might come to you while you are streaming. Some channels even manage to get more subscribers from live streams than from the main videos.

It is a good idea not to title these live streams like coffee with me. It is better to call them as usual videos like tips on diet and training.

By making streams, you can quickly establish a connection with new viewers and turn them into subscribers.

If the content allows you, you can make streams like music for relaxation 24/7, or for example, someone made streams with coronavirus statistics in real-time.

These streams constantly bring new viewers and subscribers.

But remember that this is not a key solution for growth. It is a tool that works in one case, in others, it does not make much sense. Therefore, if you think that this will be appropriate on your channel, definitely try it out.

How hard is it to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube?

Much to what you may think is true on YouTube, getting your first 1000 YouTube subscribers is not going to happen in a day, but usually, it takes a few months to reach 1000 subscribers for a new channel.

Generally, when you tend to see channels really blow up with subscribers right after they first got started, it’s either because one, they already have a strong platform somewhere else. They’ve their email list, Instagram, or Facebook. Or two, they may have bought subscribers and that’s actually a thing.

You can buy subscribers but this isn’t going to help you in the long run.

Getting Subscribers on YouTube Wrapping Up

So, these are the best tips on how to get YouTube subscribers.

And I know once you do all of these, you’ll be set on your way and you will start growing subscribers like crazy to get your first 1000 subscribers on YouTube.

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